Friday, January 30, 2009

New Shows

There have been several new shows on television that we enjoy watching. Some have been on as a series for a few years while some are brand new programs. One we like watching is American Idol. I know, some of you just can't bring yourselves to watch it. In the early part of the season it is fun to watch because there are some absolutely bad singers that get on the show. It is such a hoot to watch. I don't really know how some of them get selected but I am sure it is for the rating. It works for me.


Thursday, January 29, 2009


Here's an update on our granddaughter. She is quite the talker. She is now starting to put together words and form sentences. It is so fun to listen to her. She's also quite animated.

Wednesday, January 28, 2009


You can't help but smile when you see this little face. Emry is our grandson and is such a sweetie. In this photo he is wearing an outfit that his Great Grandma had made for his daddy to wear when he was about Emry's age. It's so neat to see him in the outfit. It's pretty special.

Weight Loss Pills

There are many out there today that are in need of weight loss. Some of us know it and some of us don't really want to think about it. There are a variety of choices available. Some say you should exercise and diet. Others feel it is best to use weight loss pills
. You can also find many different types of food and diet plans. We each individually need to research for ourselves to see what might work best for us.

Rackmount Monitor

Over the years we have found that technology continues to advance. It took us a while to accept the fact that we needed to purchase our first computer. Since then we have owned several types and brands. We have looked into a Rackmount monitor and other types of accessories. We no longer could see ourselves without such technology. We use our computers daily and would be lost without them.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Moving Services

We were visiting tonight with our son Josh and his family. He is on the job search this spring. They presently live several states away from us and are wanting to get back around family. We are excited about that. In relocating comes stress and hard work, but I know they can do it and are willing too. They will need to look into moving services and plan the big day. We will be there for them also.

New Gateway

Over the years we have had pretty good computers and a couple have been made by Gateway. We just picked up a new Gateway laptop and our hope is that it will last for many years. It is amazing to compare the computers of just ten years ago to the new ones of today. Our first one had so much hard drive space that we would never be able to fill it. That is what we were told at the time. Guess what? We filled it. The new one we bought has many times the memory and about 200 times the hard drive as our first computer. Bill bought a thumb drive last week and it even holds 8 GB. Times do change.

Medical Equipment

Are you looking for medical equipment or supplies? There is a website, that has made it easy and quick. This high tech site offers a variety of health enhancing products. Allegro has been in business since 1996 and continues to expand and grow. With over 55,000 products and 50 categories, you are sure to find what you need. Some of their featured items are: Pediasure, Kinesio Tape, FreeStyle Diabetes Test Strips, Breast Feeding Pillow, Blood Pressure Monitor and more. Shop by Brand name or Condition, it is a user-friendly site. You won’t have to waste time any longer. Click into one location for all of your needs.

Good Movies

Our local theater hasn't had much in the way of good movies lately. A few weeks ago it did show 'Fireproof' which was excellent. More people showed up for that one than usual. We can go out of town to see a movie but it is handy if we can see one here in town. I guess it is hard to please everyone. I am sure that some of the movies I wouldn't like are enjoyed by many other people.

Saturday, January 17, 2009

Home Again

We had our kids and grand kids at our house over Christmas. We had a blast with them all. They are now back at their own homes and back to work. The time went by so quickly. I guess that is what happens when you enjoy what you are doing. Hopefully this year Josh, Di and Emry will be back here in the state. We would be very happy to have them closer. Then all of the kids would be in the general area and we could see them more often.

New York Restaurants

We enjoy traveling and are soon to visit the big city of New York. We are excited about it and looking forward to seeing the sites. I have recently heard about the Village Voice newsweekly. It is known for its no-holds-barred reporting. It has been around for over a half-century. They have a great website that shares a variety of information. The Restaurant Review site is amazing. If you are looking for New York Restaurants you want to visit, this is the site. You can do a quick search by restaurant name, cuisine, location and price or even by special needs or wants. They feature a list such as Takeout, Patio/Sidewalk Dining, Catering, Banquet Facilities, Kid Friendly, Vegetarian Friendly and more. Find exactly what you are looking for at

Bad Lunch

Today Bill and I had lunch at a local restaurant and weren't very happy with the meal. We aren't typically fussy eaters, but there was a mistake on the order and we should have mentioned it. We didn't and therefore didn't really enjoy lunch. I think that next time we will try somewhere else for lunch because this isn't the first time this has happened. You just hate to spend money and then not enjoy it, ya know?

New Laptop

We ordered a new laptop last Saturday but have not received it yet. The local BestBuy didn't have the model we wanted so they had to order one from a Des Moines store. They apparently ship to other stores twice a week but for some reason the computer hasn't arrived. It may be due to the stormy weather lately. I am excited to get it because our old one died. I am sure it will arrive this next week. Yeah.

Friday, January 16, 2009

Family Vacation

We found through out the years that our family vacation was a top priority for us. This was a time of relaxing, fun and memories. If you are ready to make some unforgettable memories, a white-sand beach in the Riviera Maya location may be just what you need. It's time to relax and kick back. The Karisma resorts are waiting to pamper you. With the great prices and elite treatment, they will leave you smiling. You won't go hungry as these resorts have expert chefs that are preparing exquisite food just for you. What a way to travel. Eat, relax and enjoy that time away. Click in and browse their website for yourself.

Hungry Dog

We had been out of town for the day and when we got home Zoe was very hungry. Zoe is a Bichon and will be eight years old this year. I had read that that breed tends to have a small bladder so they can't be left too long. Zoe must be the exception because she can hold it all day and then some. She was very glad to see us when we arrived. She went outside right away and then returned to have supper. Now she is resting comfortably on the couch, her favorite place.

Home Insurance

With life brings many insecurities. It doesn't have to be that way however. A person can find many types of insurance that can blanket their families with protection. Our homes are one of the most valuable possessions we have and home insurance can give us the security we are needing in case of any unknown unpleasant happenings. We need to research and fine the coverage and type of insurance we are in need of. There are many things in life we want to protect.

Discount Furniture

My son and his wife live in Texas. They work for a University there and have recently moved to an apartment complex. In doing so they found that they were in need of some furnishings. They are great bargain shoppers and found some awesome discount furniture. They are beautiful pieces that appear to be like new. Heavy classy furniture. Their place looks amazing!

Sunday, January 11, 2009

By Your Side

Recently I heard a very good song. It was playing on a Christian radio station. I searched the internet and found the song along with a video on YouTube. The words can be seen so you can even sing along if you want. It is called 'By Your Side', done by Tenth Avenue North. I would encourage you to check it out. I hope you enjoy it as much as I did.


New Car

Bill picked up his new work car this week. His other one had well over 100,000 miles and although it ran pretty good, it was time for it to be turned in. The new one is a 2009 Chevrolet Malibu. It is silver with a light gray interior. I don't know all the stuff it has but Bill did mention it has built in Bluetooth and Xm radio. He just told me that it also has heated seats and dual exhaust. I am sure I wouldn't have noticed the exhaust! He is liking it very much.

Gold Coins

In today’s world a person is unsure which direction to turn when it comes to investments. We are all working hard to plan for our futures. The Monex family of companies wants to assist you in that area. They are a leader in the hard asset and precious metals investing and have been for over 40 years. They carry years of experience and expertise. Their worldwide network of resources keeps them on the cutting edge when it comes to gold coins and the rare coin market. The staff are members of the Professional Numismatic Guild, American Numismatic Association, Professional Coin Grading Services, Numismatic Guarantee Corporation of America and the National Silver Dollar Round Table as well as other numismatic trade organizations. They are highly qualified and ready to assist you in your investment needs. Don't hesitate. Check out their website today.

Saturday, January 10, 2009

New Computer

I had just written about needing a new laptop and guess what, we ordered a new one today. It wasn't something we really wanted to do but we need one. We had checked prices online and compared stores locally. We decided on a Gateway at BestBuy. The only problem was that they did not have it in stock so they have to get one for the store in Des Moines. We were somewhat disappointed in that, but we can wait. There was an Acer brand computer we looked at too but it was sold out. We have had Gateway computers before and were fairly satisfied. This one is loaded with features and has more memory. It doesn't seem like laptop computers last as long as they used to. Hopefully this one will be a good machine.

Laptop Needed

We are in need a new laptop. Ours went on the blink recently. We had it worked on not that long ago but it started acting up again so we are going to look for a new one. There are so many different makes and models to choose from. We don't need anything fancy, just the basics. Bill has been shopping online but hasn't seen the one we want yet. I am sure we will find one soon.

Wedding Favor Ideas

If you have ever planned a wedding or have helped in planning a wedding, then you know just how much work is involved in the process. I have helped out with this process and have found it to be quite stressful and can also become a financial burden. I wish that I would have known about The Knot Wedding Shop. It is so easy to click in and browse around. They offer a great range of wedding supplies. Maybe you are looking for wedding favor ideas. This is the site for you. You can find those novelty items such as wedding cameras, ring pillows, cake toppers and more. Be sure to check out this great wedding site for your wedding plans.

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Nativity Story

Grampa was trying to read the Nativity Story to the grand children before opening gifts. They were not too hip on sitting there. Maybe next year he will grab their attention better. We'll see. :)