Sunday, June 29, 2008
I can't hardly believe that it is the end of June already. Next weekend is the 4th of July. We have some fun plans in store. We're going to a family reunion one day. A lot of my cousins I grew up with should be there. I'm really looking forward to it. Then on Sunday our son Josh, wife Diana and grand son Emry will be coming through to see us. They live states away and we all are anxious to see them. It will be short but sweet. :)
Las Vegas Vacations
Through the years my family and I have loved to travel. We took many vacations to all different destinations across the United States. We found that the Las Vegas vacations were a lot of fun. There is so much color and excitement there. The kids were in awe. If you haven't been there, be sure to give it a try. It is a different experience from other places we've seen.
Celebrity Game
Josh (our son) called today. He had taken his wife and son to a Celebrity Game, for their Anniversary. He proposed at a Twins game four years ago and enjoys doing something special like that for Anniversaries. They got there really early and decided to do some shopping. They picked up some clothes for Emry (the baby) and went back to the game. After the game was over, their car wouldn't start. A few months back the cable on the hood of the vehicle broke and they have been unable to open the hood. So now this had caused even a bigger problem. It was very late and after many calls they found a very nice Marriott, in a beautiful part of the city, where they could spend the night. The motel was gracious enough to shuttle them to the motel and it was a double blessing that they had picked up some new clothes and PJ's for Emry that day. God is good. In the morning they found a place that said they would take a look at their car, which was a third blessing, because it was Sunday. They figured out the broken cable and found that it was simply the battery that had died. The dome light had been left on at the game. With all running, they headed back for home. They felt very blessed that they had a nice place to stay, Emry's needs were met and their car was running. the Lord is good!
Friday, June 27, 2008
LA Police Gear
Are you or someone you know in need of 5.11 police gear? If so, you really need to check out For new online orders they are offering 15% off on their Independence Day sale. They have what you need. Their site is very easy to get around in and they have name brands that you know and trust. Check them out today and save money on your favorite gear.
We have two grandchildren. One of them we don't get to see that often because he lives so far away. The other one we see quite frequently. It is a joy because with todays technology we are able to keep in touch with both of them all of the time. We can go onto Skype and watch each other through a camera on the computer. You can actually talk to one another. It's amazing! Then there's email, where both kids send us updated videos and pictures quite often. We just love it! Recently we received this cute laughter video of our granddaughter.
Thursday, June 26, 2008
Norberto Diaz
It's always great to hear about amazing people who can and have made an impact on young people. Norberto Diaz has an awesome reputation among parents and students, with his great energy, personality and popularity in the community. As a principal in the New Jersey area and his back ground in Latin music, he is dedicated to success of all students. Formerly, he was a music teacher, leader and performer. Diaz loves to use music as his tool for education. He feels music can build self-confidence and be a motivator as well. Music is a great communicator and has reached many. Over the years he saw children strengthen their language skills with the aid of music and song. Check out some of his songs and the words that are shared within.
I love spending time blogging and researching products and new ideas. It is great to stay informed and it's wonderful to earn extra cash in the mean time. The internet is an awesome tool. There is so much out there to find. Look for yourself. You will be amazed!
Office Furniture
While starting to do some blogging at home, we found that we were in need of some new office furniture. We purchased a desk, chair and chair pad for covering the carpet. There have been several other new items we have purchased and it is now made things a lot more comfortable for spending time on the computer. It is worth investing in some great office furniture.
Hotels in Las Vegas
Throughout the years me and my family have enjoyed many vacations. I remember well the lengthy one we took out to California. We drove so that we could see many different states and vacation sites. We traveled through Nevada and were searching through hotels in las vegas. We ended up staying at the MGM. That was amazing. We would go back again. We all loved it!
New Toy
Jake called tonight and mentioned he bought a new toy. It isn't really a toy, but more like a gadget. It is called a Blueant 3. It is something that he puts in his car and syncs his cell phone to it so he has hands free use of the cell phone. He explained it and I did a google search for it. It is quite a neat little thing. I might have to invest in one.
Wedding Planning
As most of you know, if you have been involved in Wedding Planning at all, that it takes a lot of time and energy, not to mention money. Well, with the it has helped to make the process a little less painful. This awesome website is a comprehensive wedding-planning site. They have been in the business of helping brides and grooms since 1997. They combine free interactive planning tools, a local vendor guide, a patented online registry system, expert advice and more. They can assist you in planning that upscale, classy special day. It is made easier and less stressful for all involved. Browse their site and see for yourself.
My plants and flowers are looking great. It is the second year since our landscaping project and I am so glad we did what we did. In can be a hassle to go out and water but I just need to do it when the mosquitoes are not around. That is hard to do right now but I do enjoy the plants around the house.
A Good Guy
I know that I have mentioned it before but I have a great husband. He is a good cook and helps me with most anything I ask him to. He follows lists that I leave for him pretty well. I know it is best not to leave him too much to do but I think most guys are like that. In my opinion women are better at multi-tasking than men. Some of you might agree and some may not. It might make a difference whether you are a woman or a man.
Online College Courses
Maybe you have completed your undergrad degree and have wanted to go back for your master's degree. It can be difficult when life is so busy and you feel you don't have time to go back to school. Well, now with the Capella University based out of Minneapolis, you will find that they have online college courses and an online writing center with is geared specifically for graduate level students. This is an accredited online university that has it's focus on master's and PhD degrees. They can provide you with instruction, resources and strategies to assist you in the writing process and to help improve your writing skills. Click in and check out their website.
This blog post is based on information provided by Blogitive. For more information, please visit
This blog post is based on information provided by Blogitive. For more information, please visit
Tonight we had fish for supper. Bill peeled potatoes and fried them to go with the meal. We hadn't had fish for quite awhile. It was a quick meal to make and the clean up was fast too. I had some house cleaning to do tonight so a supper like that was a good choice. Thanks to Bill supper was planned and just about ready when I got home.
Chair Rail
Last night we installed a chair rail in the kitchen. We bought the oak and stained it two days ago. Bill cut it to fit and then we attached it on two walls. There is a long wall and then just about two feet of another one. I am glad Bill has the tools to do the work. We enjoyed the work and it looks wonderful. It really made a nice difference.
Coin Dealer
If you are one that enjoys purchasing silver, gold or other precious metals and coins, this may be just the site for you. The Monex Deposit Company can assist you in your fine metal purchases and have immediate personal delivery arranged at your convenience. They can also supply safe storage at an independent bank or depository. As a coin dealer, this company has been in business for over 30 years and are investment leaders in America. The investment of gold has been looked at as a way to preserve one's wealth and purchasing power, for many years. Check into the Monex companies for your next precious metal purchase.
Lately we have been seeing more rabbits in our yard than usual. We used to see little baby bunnies but haven't this year yet. This morning we saw a squirrel in the tree and right beneath was a rabbit. Bill put some corn in a feeder on the tree for the squirrels and we had thrown some carrots out for the rabbits. They are fun to watch. Even Zoe enjoys them.
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
Rain Rain Stay Away
Bill is hoping for good weather tomorrow. He and some of his buddies are going to golf and it would be more fun without rain. This group of guys always has a great time together and I don't think a little rain would change that. Bill has only golfed twice this year so he is looking forward to the day. I'm sure glad he's getting this opportunity.
Honda Radiator
If you are looking to purchase a radiator for a vehicle, this may just be the place. Look no further! At you will find that they are one of the largest radiator distributors in the country today. Their warehouse is stocked with over 60,000 different radiators and ac condensers. They will supply you with any radiator from a BMW to a Honda Radiator. Each one is specifically engineered to be the perfect fit, the first time. The quality is excellent and it has an unlimited lifetime warranty. You can't find better then that! Call and see for yourself. You won't be disappointed.
New Flooring
We are having some new flooring installed in our upstairs bathroom. It may be a month or so until the work actually happens because we are having a vanity cabinet built for the room also. We are having linoleum put in the room. I know that tile is in these days and so are heated floors. Linoleum wears well and cleans easily. The stuff that we picked out actually looks a lot like tile. I know we will like it.
Sand Bags
With all the rain around the state, many sand bags have been placed to keep the water from flooding homes. Apparently they work as we have seen on the news. I feel sorry for those that had damage to their homes due to flooding or tornadoes. We need to do what we can to help, don't you think?
Beauty Schools
Today the cosmetology field continues to grow. With the Regency Beauty Institute you will find quickly expanding beauty school across 9 different states. There are about 30 campuses and more growth expected for this following year. The Regency Beauty Institute is based out of Minneapolis Minnesota and was founded over 50 years ago. These campuses appear like an upscale salon and offer an excellent education to it's students. As part of their education, these students take part in training in high-quality salons at discounted prices to the public, under faculty supervision. So if you are contemplating the career of cosmetology, click in and browse their website.
I am hearing that the weather forecast for tomorrow could be rainy. Right now it seems to be a bit dry in the yard so maybe a light rain would be nice. The area farmers have had plenty of rain so I am sure they don't want anymore. Many of the fields around our area are under water and I would guess some of the crops are not going to make it until harvest time.
Staying Awake
Have you ever had a hard time staying awake. I haven't gotten to bed on time for the past week and I am very tired right now. The weather has been nice the last week or so which is a wonderful change. Bill was outside mowing this evening and the yard looks great. My flowers and plants are continuing to grow very well. I don't consider myself one of those women with a green thumb but I have learned to enjoy planting the flowers around the outside of our home. All of these things are fun to take part in but right now I am having a very tough time staying awake.
I hadn't heard of the Kratom or mitragyna speciosa trees until now. They are found mainly in the Thailand area and grow well in the rainforest. These trees are like the Oak or Maple trees are to North America. They can not survive in areas with freezing temperatures. There are shops that supply the Rifat or Red Vein strain of these trees. In purchasing, you will want to make sure that they are a VERIFIED kratom and extracts (or resins. These plants have as many as 14-24 different alkaloids that work together synergistically. They are taken by a water and an alcohol extraction combined. Browse this website and see what you find.
New Pool
Our community has a new swimming pool as of this summer. Our old pool was not holding water very well so it was voted on that we build a new on. I haven't been in the pool area yet but from the outside it looks very nice. Now that school is out for the summer, there are a lot of kids at the pool each day. It is a good place for the kids to stay busy and out of trouble.
Friday, June 20, 2008
Outer Banks
My family and I have taken many different vacations through out the years. We have made some awesome memories and still laugh about things that happened on some of those trips. Now my husband and I find ourselves going to the Outer Banks for vacations. We love the ocean and the beachfront. What a wonderful way to relax and enjoy what God has created. It is a great get-away during those cold winter months.
Freshwater Pearls
Anyone that knows me knows how much I enjoy jewelry. If my husband is wondering what to buy me, he doesn't have to think for long. He knows that he will never disappoint me with a piece of lovely jewelry. There is a beautiful selection of jewelry made from freshwater pearls. You can find necklaces, bracelets, earrings and more. The pearls vary in size, color and grade. There are also many different types such as Black Tahitians, Saltwater Akoyas, White South Seas and others. I will never tire of jewelry.
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
Mosquito Fogger

In our part of the country we have times when the mosquitoes are just thick outside. Our city pays someone to drive a pickup around town with a fogger system in the back end. Last night I heard the familiar sound of the fogger and happened to be outside with Zoe at the time. I really didn't want to be outside when that machine came by. It spews out a dense fog that has a nasty smell to it. I do believe that it does keep down the mosquito population though.
Option Screener
Now Stock Option Trading has been made easier then ever. With PowerOptions you will find a variety of educational materials and excellent toll-free customer support. The important data you need will be supplied to you through their SmartSearchXL® technology that can't be found anywhere else. It's the #1 way to find, compare, analyze and make money on stock option trading. With this option screener, you will find yourself with higher option trade returns. With the convenience and control you can sort, filter and analyze thousands of stock options. You can now meet those financial goals you have set for yourself. Go on line and browse their site.
Zoe Turns 7
Zoe turned 7 years old on June 5th. She still acts like a puppy sometimes. Zoe has been a great dog to have for these years. She is a smart dog too. I have written many blogs about her and our family loves her. Bill sometimes acts like he doesn't really like her and could do without her but I know differently. He takes her on walks and for rides in the car all the time. They seem like they are together most of the time.
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
Clear Skys
Today we have had mostly clear skies. It is a nice change since we have had so many days of clouds and rain. There were tornadoes in the area this past weekend but thankfully no one was injured as far as I have heard. I have heard of several people with water in their basements which is not a pleasant thing to experience. We spent a couple hours in our basement on Saturday afternoon due to the storms warnings. It was a day we will remember for a long time.
Monday, June 9, 2008
I have heard a little thunder this morning. I am thankful that we haven't had the severe storms that others have had. I feel sorry for those that have had to go through those terrible storms. It is great that so many people are helping the communities around that have been hit hard by storms. Thank you.
Saturday, June 7, 2008
Thursday, June 5, 2008
New Sandwich
Last night for supper I tried a new recipe. It was ham and cheese with a little red onion between two pieces of bread. I toasted it like we do with with grilled cheese sandwiches. We liked them quite well. The little bit of onion really added to the taste. I think it is a recipe that we will use again in the future.
Wednesday, June 4, 2008
Jake's Car
Look Of The Year
Here it is! For you beautiful people who are looking to be found, this may just be the beauty contest you are looking for. At you may be noticed by an agency that will want to kick off that modeling career for you. You could find yourself traveling to places like New York, Milan or Paris to model. What a great opportunity may await you. Look Of The Year are seeking out people from all over the world to send in their best pictures. Browse and see for yourself. You could have a chance at winning a 10.000 USD price!

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