Friday, October 31, 2008
Yea, the election is near! Most of us are well ready for it to be over. My husband and I decided we would go and vote early. It was a very easy process. We're glad we did it that way. We knew who we wanted and were ready to cast our votes. We are praying for our country and will leave it in the Lord's hands. He will be the same the day of the election as He is the day after. PTL for that!
Capella Univeristy
Capella University is an online school that I'm sure many have heard of before. They are a fully accredited online university that is a leader when it comes to providing people the opportunity to get their online university degree...both masters and PhD degrees, from home! It's perfect for those who have already gotten into their careers, but would like to further their education at the same time. I'm very impressed with their program and all they have to offer. I was recently checking out their Inside Online Education podcast about state approved reading and literacy programs and really learned a lot. Beverly Enns is the one being interviewed and I really learned a great deal from her on this topic. If you're interested in learning more about Capella our Beverly Enns interview....head over to their site today for more information!
This blog post was based on information provided by Blogitive. For more information, please visit
This blog post was based on information provided by Blogitive. For more information, please visit
Thursday, October 30, 2008
Remote Control
I think we are quite spoiled with everything that has remote control. We have many things in our home that we can control by pushing buttons. I am not complaining but things have surely changed over the years. From televisions and radios to fans and fireplaces we have a control for them all. Again, I don't want to sound like I am not happy with these nice features, but how did we ever get by over the years, having to get up and pull a chain or turn a knob? Are we becoming a lazy society?
Winding The Clock
Every few days one of our wall clocks needs winding. Long ago there was something wrong with the clock and I was scared to wind it because the key would come flying right back at me. It cut up my fingers. Bill fixed it so I can wind it again. I had some nasty little marks from that clock. The key has to be placed in a small hole and then turned. The gears inside the clock were lined up right and the key would then spin freely. I am glad it is fixed. I do love that old clock.
Medical Supplies
Now it is easier then ever to find those much needed medical supplies. With you will see that they can assist you in finding products such as Nutritional Dietary Supplements, Maternity/Baby Supplies and Outdoor Gear, Exercise & Fitness Equipment and more. This company was founded in 1996 and is helping more then 1 million customers across the United States. They are independently owned and one of the biggest retailers of life enhancing products. With their ecommerce site, you will find the medical supplies and equipment you are looking for. Shopping by brand, category or condition makes it easy and quick to find that item. Samples of some of their products are a Carpal Tunnel Computer Glove, FreeStyle Diabetes Test Strips, a Shower Chair, Polar Heart Monitor, Daily Living Aids, Diabetic Supplies and more. Click in and see what you might find.
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Feeding The Squirrels
We are at that time of year when Bill puts corn out for the squirrels in the neighborhood. These little animals are so fun to watch. They will climb the tree to peel off a couple kernels at a time, then go to find a hiding place for them. Scott was nice enough to get some corn for us to set out. Last year we got a small load of corn from a farmer which lasted well into the winter. We hope the squirrels appreciate it.
Holiday Shopping!
It's that time of year! With Christmas around the corner soon enough, most of us will be holiday shopping for those unique and awesome gifts for our friends and loved ones. In order to save time and money, many of us are now choosing to shop online. It is quick, easy and convenient. Now with the new eBillme system, payment is simple also. Go to and you can find out more about the eBillme payment process. While there you can also sign up for their "Shopping confessions contest"! Every month they are giving away $1500 in cash and prizes and a grand prize of $15,000! How exciting it that?! Share your story and you may win! Have you ever made a secret purchase that you have hid from someone? How did it turn out? Was it for an anniversary or maybe a huge Christmas surprise? Now is the time to register to win and to confess and tell everyone how your plan panned out. It's easy! Go to Don't waste time, check into the easy eBillme and register to win the big money. Let your friends know and when registering, don't forget to refer to my blog URL, You'll be glad you entered!
Tea Light Candles
We are having a gas fireplace installed very soon in our family room. With the cool temperatures we are experiencing, it will be none to soon for us. I have started to purchase new items that I can display on the mantle. I purchased a beautiful flower arrangement which has five optic holders and tea light candles. I'm anxious to see it all in place. Hopefully it will be in the next couple of weeks.
Monday, October 27, 2008
Big Fish

The other day we were watching a television special on big fish. They showed some catfish that would scare you they were so big. Some others I had never heard of. They were very ugly fish. I am not sure I would even want to be fishing for some of them. Most of the fish were just caught, then released. I would presume that there are absolutely huge fish in great bodies of water that man has not ever seen.
Weight Loss Guide
Today we are a more health conscious world. People are concerned with their weight and exercising. Now on the website, , you can find information to begin that weight-loss process. This site was created by a woman that is ready to help you get in shape quickly, easily and safely. Here you will find reviews of highly known and recommended diet pills and quick weight-loss supplements. This team of professionals are waiting to hear from you. Browse their site and see for yourself.

Friday, October 24, 2008
Eleventh Hour

CSI producer Jerry Bruckheimer has a new series on CBS. The name of it is the Eleventh Hour. I began watching it last week because of all of the hype with it's link to CSI. They went as far as to say that even Gel Grissom (William Petersen) from CSI Las Vegas would love this show. Well, it's not to bad so far. I've seen two episodes and the jury is still out. The show is about Dr Jacob Hood (Rufus Sewell), who is a special science adviser to the US government. He saves people from the worst abuses of science. His sidekick is Rachel Young (Marley Shelton). They make an interesting team. The show is up for thirteen episodes, we'll have to see what happens.
Eleventh Hour Season 1 Photo

Well, it's that time again. I am in need of a haircut. Why do the weeks fly by? I wish I could come up with a different style to go with, but have not been blessed with thick flowing hair, so need to find ways to make it appear more then it actually is. You know what I mean? Anyway, a trim will usually improve styling for awhile. It goes through stages. When first cut I notice it is more of a struggle to get my hair to look the way I want it too. Then it will grow a little and style easier. Then about the time I need to have it trimmed again, I will have a great day and love the way it looks. That's just the way it goes.
Thursday, October 23, 2008
Industry is down in our area. There are many people wondering each day if they will continue to have their job tomorrow. That would be very difficult to live with day in and day out. With the changes in technology and computers in almost every home, a person can find franchise opportunity on line. You can browse by location or by investment. It's nice to know these opportunities are available.

I am like most ladies, I enjoy purses. I have quite a few, but seem to think that I need more. I may choose to purchase according to material, color or style. It kind of depends on my mood that day. It's also great to buy that smaller fun looking purse that is the perfect accessory for an outfit. I don't think I'll get tired of buying purses anytime soon.
Picture found at:
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Best Acne Treatment
In raising my three children I found that we came across a few obstacles. One of those being the stage in which they had some acne issues. Each child was different in the severity of acne. My one son seemed to deal with it a little more frequently. So, I was out looking for the best acne treatment for him. Not only medications to address the immediate problem, but also a product to help prevent future out breaks. He has come through that time of his life now and we know how important it is to address the problem quickly. We need to keep it under control.
Red Wing
We traveled up to Red Wing. It is very beautiful here. It's a town of about 16,000 and offers a lot. There is a lot of lodging, shopping, dining and activities. Bill is working some , so I am taking it easy. That is nice for a change. It's always good to get way for awhile. We'll have to go out on the bluff and look over the river later on.
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Bill has a lot of training that goes along with his job. It takes him away from home for several weeks of the year. I know that it is important for him to be updated on the latest when it comes to what he is doing. He is in law enforcement and thoroughly enjoys his career. He recently had some training on religious cult activity and issues associated with that subject. It sounded like it was quite interesting and informative. There is a lot out there today that they may face. It is good that their superiors see the value of further education.
God's Beauty
This is such a beautiful time of year. The leaves are beginning to turn color and float to the ground. We have been discussing traveling over to the river soon. It is always so pretty over there. Bill has a business trip planned in that direction and I think I will go with him. It will be nice to see God's beauty and to enjoy a little bit of down time also. At least for me....
Friday, October 10, 2008
Health Plans
With all that is going on in the world there seems to be some big concerns. Not only is the economy struggling, but some of our health care is also. There are many health plans out there today, but what is the best policy for you personally. Some can't afford the premiums or have recently lost their jobs and coverage. There are options on line and worth taking a look at.

Our grandson lives quite a distance, but we do get to see videos and pictures of him often. It sure does help ease missing him, some. He is about to have his first birthday party, so we wanted to be sure and get his presents to him early. The kids sent videos and pictures of him checking out the box and gifts that came.
If you have a special occasion coming or just want to purchase a beautiful piece of jewelry, click into this website, Holsted jewelers has exceptional value and quality available to you. They have been in the business for around 37 years and plan to continue serving people. This jeweler offers beautiful, affordable designs. You will see contemporary styles as well as fine jewelry. What a neat gift idea. They have a risk-free system where you are guaranteed to love what you buy or you can return it, no questions asked. That is made simple. Seeing is believing. You will love what you see! You can shop for Amethyst, diamonds, blue topaz, cubic zirconia, emeralds and more. Click in and see what you've been missing.
Yard Clean Up
This is the time of year when Bill cleans up the yard and prepares the grass for winter. He mulches up the leaves and small twigs and then puts down some type of fertilizer. I know that we have a bag of it in the garage that he plans on spreading this weekend. Neither one of us are big winter fans. I do enjoy the fall time of year. With the leaves changing color and falling I know that winter is getting close.
Picture by "alicia and rick's Public Gallery"
Winning Bidder

We have been watching some items on ebay in the past few weeks and have been the winning bidder at times. It is fun to watch as the time is about to expire and see that you are about to win something or not. I have purchased some toys while Bill has been buying some ‘guy’ stuff. I finally said to him the other day that we don’t need anything else. I think he just enjoys shopping online. It can be addictive.
Maritime Attorney
Mark & Associates, P.C. is a leading personal injury law firm. The maritime attorney backs and supports seamen injured while at work on a ship, oil rig or other type of ocean vessel. The presidential nominee Senator Barack Obama supports the long standing Jones Act and other issues at hand. The Jones Act provides financial compensation for these seamen and their families when injury occurs on the job due to a result of their employer's negligence. For more information you can go to or You'll want to make sure your armed forces have what they are needing when they need it, such as equipment and ammunition.
Bye Bye Tree
We recently said goodbye to our life long apple tree. It was still producing great apples, but it was in the way of where our new garage will someday be. It may be a couple years before we build, but we wanted to make sure the tree and roots were out of the way. It sure looks different without it. It is a bit sad that we no longer have it, but we did enjoy it for over twenty years. I just hated to cut down such a strong wonderful tree. You and your apples will be missed.
Monster Cookies

I have been craving monster cookies for quite some time. I hadn't made them in years and recently found an old recipe I had from my mother-in-law. I know I shouldn't have, but I went ahead and made them anyway. It makes such a large batch. I think I will take some to work and freeze many of them. I sure don't need to have them all out for us to eat.
Beauty Schools In Colorado
Are you looking for a career in cosmetology? Are you searching for that perfect beauty school? Well, now you can look into the Regency Beauty Institute. It was founded in Minneapolis Minnesota over fifty years ago. They have since expanded greatly. Known for their excellence in education, they have grown with close to thirty campuses across the nation. So now if it is beauty schools in colorado you are interested in, look no further, Regency Beauty Institute can assist you in your search. They are known for the great set up their schools supply. They have high class salons where they gain great experience and knowledge while helping the community and public. Browse their website today and see for yourself.
Sunday, October 5, 2008
Eva Longoria Parker

Fat, are you kidding? What is wrong with people. Eva Longoria is beautiful and so tiny. Why does the paparazzi and press have to be so hard on her and others? Why do they think everyone must fit into a certain mold? She was at the Emmys looking great as usually. I think it's too bad that society has put this pressure on so many women. Don't worry about it girls, you can look great at all kinds of weight.
Friday, October 3, 2008
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