Sunday, September 30, 2007
DVR Trouble
Last night we tried to record two shows at the same time but the DVR failed to record one of them. I don't think we set it up wrong. We watched one of the shows and maybe that messed it up. I had called Jake to make sure I programed the machine properly. I might have misunderstood his instructions. He will be home tonight so I will have to ask him to show me how it actually works. He is very good at all of that technical stuff.
Metal Cabinets
We have a one car stall garage. There is so much stuff in there. I often have to move things and pick up as I walk through there. Well, my husband and son-in-law took a Saturday and cleaned and started to organize everything. Looking on line I found a site with some really neat metal cabinets. There are all different kinds and sizes. I think they would be perfect for hiding and storing some of our things out there. Look into them to better organize and improve the appearance of your garage.
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Thursday, September 27, 2007
The Birds
What a beautiful morning. I can hear the birds singing to each other. It feels like Spring until I look out the window and see all of the fall colors appearing. I wish it was Spring but, I will enjoy the day that the Lord has made. It's just gorgeous outside.
Are you thinking about a taking a trip soon? Maybe for the Holidays? Well it no longer has to take up much of your time to plan. With the Dialaflight website, information is just a click away. Dialaflight is an independent UK company. You can find information about cheap flights, car rentals, hotel/motels and much more. There are even tips and ideas for all types of vacations. Maybe it's weekend breaks you're looking for or tropical holidays. Check them out. With their great city breaks you are sure to find something that will suit your wants and needs. Look into them today. All you have to do is call and their consultants will help you plan that dream getaway.
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Wednesday, September 26, 2007
Last night for supper Bill made goulash. I should say he was making the meal when I got home from work. I made sure it had the ingredients that it needed. Bill would have left out some of the best parts, like onion and peppers. After it was mixed we put it in the oven to bake. Bill usually cooks it in a pan. Baking it is much better in my opinion. He does a great job helping out though. He's become a great cook.
Sproose Search Engine
Isn't the internet a great invention? No more long searches for information. Everything is at our finger tips. Now there's Sproose, a powerful new engine that can help increase yours or somebody else's index. You can now make a difference in ranking some of your favorite interests. The more votes a site receives, the higher up they climb. Everyone can help each other. You can click here to try sproose today.

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Apple Crisp
Last night Bill made apple crisp. It was very good but I enjoy having pie more than the crisp. Bill said that when he was in middle school and high school, the cooks made a very good tasting apple crisp. He said that the top crust was very sweet. I think that he tried to make it the same way last night. He said he put extra brown sugar in the topping mix. I could tell.
Digital Cameras
Do you own a digital camera? There are so many to chose from and you can find them just about anywhere. I own a Sony DSC-P8 Cyber-shot with 3.2 megapixels. There are many updated cameras but this one has done a very good job in the past two years. We have taken this easy to use camera to family gatherings, sports events and vacations. At work I have use of a Nikon Coolpix 8800. It is a fun camera to use and is also quite user friendly. It is larger than my personal camera and can't just be carried in a pocket. Both of these have features to make special effects and can record video clips. I am by no means an expert in camera use but I have learned that taking your time and using a solid base or tripod can help out greatly, especially for a beginning photographer. I recently saw a website that advertised a Nikon D40x Digital SLR camera which I would love to have. This camera has 10.2 megapixels and would come with two lens. This site also has digital picture frames which I think would be great to own or give as a gift. If you are a beginner at taking pictures or an expert this site will be helpful to you.
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This is a paid post.
Tuesday, September 25, 2007
Ceiling Fan
We have ceiling fans in most of our rooms. Several years ago when we did the roofing we added a fan in the computer room. We should have put one in the living room at the same time. I think that in the future will add one to that room too. We sometimes need to have a standing fan in that room. It would be nice to have a ceiling fan in there like we do throughout the rest of the house.
Increase Holiday Sales
Fall is here. The air is crisp and the leaves are turning color. It's a beautiful time of year, but doesn't last long. Well, that tells us that Christmas is just around the corner for us now. They say it's the biggest shopping through out the year. If you're in sales, whether it's on line or not, you're hoping to increase holiday sales earnings over the next few months. If your business is on line, it is important to have a great ranking with Google. Many people search through this powerful engine. If you're wanting to increase your ranking then check out USWeb. It can open up a world of bloggers that can create a buzz for you and your company. This site also provides information to aid you in that greater production over the holidays. There are free quick tips in the how to increase your ranking. This site is always willing to help out.
Monday, September 24, 2007
New Position
Bill's office will soon have a new person helping him. One of the other guys had transferred, leaving a spot open. Two of the guys within the office are applying and will interview for the job on Wednesday. We are not sure how many others around the state have put in for the job. It will be interesting to see who gets the job. They have one other fella moving to another part of the state and two others will be starting another position soon. There are a lot of changes coming in Bill's office. Sometimes change is good.
New Electric Guitar Site
My youngest son has always had a great interest in Guitars. He basically taught himself to play some. He did finally take a few lessons at one point. In those days he would have loved having a Guitar Buyer's Guide like you can find at ,, to click in to. This site has so much to offer the guitar enthusiast. To begin with, it's very appealing to the eyes. Whether you are interested in purchasing a guitar or maybe even building your own, this site could assist you. There are even tips on learning to play. There are many options to choose from. It's so exciting to see so much Guitar information in one place. Check into them today.
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This is a paid post.
Saturday, September 22, 2007
Bill took Zoe for a walk last night. As they got around the block they could hear the truck coming that does the mosquito fogging. It was several blocks away, or though they thought. They got half way around the route they like to take and guess who was coming down the street? You guessed it. It was fogger man! They quickly turned around to go back the same way they had come but he turned right by them and the fog was everywhere. Bill couldn't smell any chemical so he thought it was mainly smoke. Even after being home again for about 5 minutes there was still smoke in the air.
Hotel Reservations
Are you a traveler? Do you enjoy visiting different parts of the world? My family and I do and have. As my children grew up, every year we tried to plan a vacation. It was so nice to get away from home, the phone and the same old routine. Well, planning this trip was quite a chore. I can remember sitting up late after everyone had gone to bed. I was trying to plan where we would be going and what we would be doing. First I would have to find the old motel books that we had picked up along the way. Calling them, they would send out the latest catalogs to me. Once having reached, by phone, a motel we had decided on, we would set up our Hotel Reservations. The people of that destination would guide me as to what to do next. They would fill me in on things to do and places to see. Then I would go from there with my information I had gathered. I would scope out the route we would be traveling. Often we drove. And would estimate the distance we might travel in a day and set up a motel from there. As you may be gathering, it was quite a chore. Not today! With, with a click of the mouse, all of the information you need is set before you. How easy is that? Is it flight you're thinking of? Or maybe you have two or three destinations in mind and can't decide where you want to go? Well, they have made it user friendly. Everything you might need to research is there, from hotels, motels, vacation rentals and resorts. With the competitive prices and discounts, you just can't go wrong. Maybe you're thinking about a location worldwide. They can help you. Look into this site. They have made it simple to travel.

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This is a paid post.
Thursday, September 20, 2007
Pumpkin Bars
I made some pumpkin bars yesterday and they were so good. They turned out just perfect. The pan I had put them in was very big and I hate to say it but the bars are gone. Bill got home and ate several of them. Zoe was pretty excited by them too. I think they are always good but this batch was extra good. I have had the recipe for a long time and think I will hang on to it for years to come
Insurance Marketing
Are you an Insurance Agent? Do you struggle with finding the perfect Insurance Leads at the right price? Now there is a website that may help to make your job easier. It is For signing up for an account with them, they are offering $200 worth of free Insurance leads. This insurance marketing site is nationwide. Their leads are of the highest quality and can help to increase your business. Look into this site.
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This is a paid post.
Tuesday, September 18, 2007
Back Ache
Here it is almost 11PM. Time for bed. I'm starting to really struggle with back aches. I'm not really sure what's causing them, but it can really make me feel sick. It feels like it goes all the way through my back and into my chest. It use to be that it only bothered me when we went to the movie theater, but now it's coming on more often. Need to stretch out I think.
Picnic Table Covers
We always have some outdoor furniture on our deck in the summer time. It is kind of a hassle to try and keep it free of dirt and grime. We store it in doors for winter and then have to move it outdoors again in the spring. Weather, sun, heat and cold can be hard on the fabrics and wood. This year we went out and purchased new deck furniture and are hoping to keep it nice. I was looking into this site,, where a person can purchase Picnic Table Covers as well as other kinds of protective wear for other types of outdoor furnishings. What a great way to help preserve our new investment in deck furniture. I think these coverings are a great idea year round. Look into them for your outdoor furniture needs.

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This is a paid post.
Monday, September 17, 2007
Today I had district meetings at a local college. We always have to be up early to get there on time, but it's nice to be done and home mid afternoon instead of 5:30PM like most work days. It started out to be a cool day and soon became quite warm. I think it was in the mid 80's. When I got home I did some laundry, baking, blogging, bills and a few other things. Now it is almost 10PM and time to relax. Where does the time go.
Black Friday
Well, that season is around the corner. As you watch the trees turn and the fields dry up, you know that Fall is upon us. Next will be the Holidays. It is a busy time of year and so much to get done in so little time. One of my favorite times to shop is on blackfriday, the day after Thanksgiving. The only thing about it is that you need to get to the stores very early and then you stand in long lines just to pay for everything. Usually we can only make it to a few and then they are picked over already. But, we don't like to pass up the day because we find such awesome deals even if we do have to stand in line for what feels like forever. Well, now there is a website where you can do that same type of shopping, right from the comfort of your own home. No standing in long lines or getting up super early. Just go to the website and pick the store you would like to shop at. I went to the Kohls site and found a listing of all they will have available on black Friday, already. It's so cool to shop and plan way before the day is even here. You name it, JC Penney, Best Buy, Target, Home Depot and more. Just sign up with your email address and receive Black Friday ads as they are released. I'm excited about this site. It can save me a lot of hassle. Check into it for yourself.
Well, I finally did it. We went down to visit our youngest son, Jake and his girlfriend Renee. My family has wanted me to start up golfing for quite a few years now. Jake asked if I would join them on the green this past Saturday so I decide I would. It was my first 9 holes ever! :) We had a lot of fun! I'm not very good that's for sure, but maybe with a little or a lot of practice I won't be so bad. I think my daughter-in-law would like to learn also. It would be fun if we could all enjoy the sport. Time will tell.
Trusted Places
My family and I love to travel. When away from home it is sometimes difficult to know exactly where and what might be good when we're feeling hungry. We enjoy many different types of food, but each restaurant can have a different take on the same type of menu. Are you planning a trip to London sometime? Well, now there is a website,, where a person can explore and seek out new establishments to drink , eat, and just spend time at. You will find people like yourselves that have traveled and experienced an assortment of places and are now sharing that information with others. If it's a variety of London bars you're looking for, then you can search here. They also have information on hotels, shopping and more. Check out this site for your future travel plans.
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This policy is valid from 17 September 2007
This blog is a personal blog written and edited by me. For questions about this blog, please contact Vicky (
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This blog is a personal blog written and edited by me. For questions about this blog, please contact Vicky (
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The owner(s) of this blog is compensated to provide opinion on products, services, websites and various other topics. Even though the owner(s) of this blog receives compensation for our posts or advertisements, we always give our honest opinions, findings, beliefs, or experiences on those topics or products. The views and opinions expressed on this blog are purely the bloggers' own. Any product claim, statistic, quote or other representation about a product or service should be verified with the manufacturer, provider or party in question.
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Sunday, September 16, 2007
Movie Night
It seems like a good night to just watch movies. We have several on DVD and many we have seen before. We do have some that we haven't seen though, some newer movies and some very old. The old ones, even when they have been watched before, are worth seeing time and time again. There are times when action movies are what I want to see and sometimes a romantic movie is in order. Tonight though, it is a good western that I am interested in seeing.
Piano Chords
While raising my children I found that my daughter was very interested in playing the piano. She took lessons for 4 or 5 years. Then my youngest son wanted to play the drums when he got older and was told unless he had two years of piano lessons he wouldn't have a chance at playing the drums. So he also took lessons. I think they were both glad they did. Especially my daughter. It is something that no one can ever take away from you. Both of their grandmothers played some also. Now there is a Piano Chords Blog where a person can go and find out more about learning to play. There is sheet music, piano courses and even free piano lessons. You're never to old to learn as this blog proves. Check it out today.

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This is a paid post.
Friday, September 14, 2007
Mega Room
I know that our single stall garage isn't any bigger than it was a few weeks ago but it seems like it is. Scott helped Bill clean and straighten the garage and so far it has stayed that way. Things are now hanging on walls and in other places that keep the clutter out of my way. Bill's tools are on shelves where they belong. I love it! I can actually pull my car in the garage without wondering if I am going to hit something in front of me. I hope it stays this way for a long time.
Wednesday, September 12, 2007
Today I saw a video about a guy who was in court and apparently didn't like his attorney. The man must have been injured and was pushed into the courtroom in a wheelchair. As he got close to his attorney, he kicked at him. The officers in the courtroom along with the defense attorney subdued the man but during the struggle one of the officers was struck with a probe from another officer's taser. The defense attorney suffered a cut on the hand. It was interesting to see that when the suspect was brought back into the courtroom the judge refused to assign another attorney to the case. The suspect said he didn't do anything wrong. What's wrong with this picture? All of this was on video. How could someone deny his actions when everyone sees what went on? It seems like we are seeing more situations like this all the time. There needs to be a time when people need to just fess up to what they did and deal with the consequences. Don't you agree?
Monday, September 10, 2007
Cool Weather
WOW! The weather has really cooled off. It feels like fall is all around us. The apple trees are dropping their apples, leaves are starting to turn. I can't believe how quickly summer has passed. Soon our grand babies will be here. What an exciting time that will be. God has blessed our family. To Him be the glory.
Saturday, September 8, 2007
One of our neighbors has a huge garden and is very giving with his vegetables. We have gotten more tomatoes, peppers and cantaloupe this year than ever before. The neighbor keeps making his garden larger each year also. Some of the veggies he doesn't even eat, but he gives away a lot. He makes his own salsa and sauces which are very good. He used to own and operate a restaurant in town and is thinking of starting one up again. He loves to garden and to give veggies away.
Thursday, September 6, 2007
We've had a very busy day today. Bill and I worked all day and then came home and washed clothes, cleaned house, mowed the lawn, made supper and now we have a pie baking in the oven. We're ready to relax and watch the Rifleman. It's an old western show that we really enjoy in the evenings.
Wednesday, September 5, 2007
Exercise Machine
We recently ordered a new exercise machine. It has not arrived yet but I think we will get it within the next week or so. The machine is an elliptical which should be helpful in getting us in better shape. These types of machines are supposed to be low impact so it should be better on the joints. I am looking forward to getting the machine and I plan on using it regularly. My husband and I will encourage each other to get much use out of this new machine.
Monday, September 3, 2007
Labor Day Weekend
Friday we went to Mason and did the Walmart thing. We also had hair appointments. Sat. we had a wedding reception to attend. It was sure nice. The bride and groom are quite a stunning couple. Sunday we visited Bill's mom in the nursing home. She has Alzheimer's. It's sure a sad disease. Monday, Bill and Scott cleaned the garage from top to bottom. Sure glad that job is done. Josh and Di called and said that Di's sister was sick and heading to the hospital. We have been praying for her and put her on the prayer chain. We are believing that God has only good for her and she will be just fine. PTL!
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