Friday, November 30, 2007
Ebay Watching
I don't buy much on ebay but when I am interested in something on the site I tend to watch it quite often. The other night I had bid on an item and watched it into the next day. Of course,I lost the bid by $2.50. I realize that another person may have had a much higher maximum bid than what they won with but it was still a bummer to lose by such a small amount.
Grampa and Emry
Order Christmas Gift Baskets
Christmas is upon us and sometimes we may not be sure exactly what we want to get for a certain individual. It may not even be Christmas gifts you are looking for. Maybe it's a new baby in the family or at work. Maybe a thank you gift. What ever the special occasion, Gourmet Gift Baskets are the answer. order Christmas gift baskets and complete your shopping list. These baskets are specialty lined with Gourmet food and trimmed to suit the occasion. There are Italian gift baskets, sympathy baskets, housewarming gift baskets, get well gift baskets, you name it they probably have it. It's the perfect gift giving idea. If you want to give a wonderful gift to a women, their chocolate gift basket is very popular.
Kaelyn Sue
Wednesday, November 28, 2007
Lapband Surgery
Many people today are interested in losing weight. There are many ways to accomplish this, both surgical and non surgical. One type of surgery that is done to help is by use of the LapBand system from JourneyLite. For those that have had trouble losing weight no matter what exercise or diet they have tried, LapBand might be what they need. By using a laparoscopic technique, meaning small incisions rather than large cuts, a silicone band is placed around the upper part of the stomach. By doing this the size of the stomach is made smaller and there is less food that can be taken in at a time. With a smaller stomach it will take less food to make you full. If less is eaten it will be easier to lose weight. JourneyLite has facilities and surgeons located in the USA. If you are looking for a Tampa, Houston or LA weight loss facility you should check out JourneyLite. You will find out more about the company and also testimonials when you do.
Wednesday, November 21, 2007
It sounds like the weather is about to change. The temperatures are due to be much cooler in the next day or so. Even in the southern states it could get as cold as in the 40 degree range. That is pretty cold and very different from what it has been recently. I guess winter is close but before we know it, spring will be here.
Tuesday, November 20, 2007
Advantage Term Life
In this fast pace world in which we live in, we find it necessary to protect ourselves and loved ones buy purchasing life insurance policies. There are so many different kinds out there that it can become quite confusing at times. Now with Advantage Term Life with a click of your mouse you can finds a variety of information that can help you in making that important decision as to the type of insurance that would best suit your family needs. They sell all types of life insurance from Universal, term, whole life policies and more. With Advantage you can save money on insurance by reducing premiums. With their insurance quoting services you can find what is ideal for you. Save money on insurance premiums. Check them out.
It's Late
It's been kind of a long day. It went fast though. Does that sound weird? Yea... Anyway, I did some blogging, got to hang out with my new grandson and watched the Nativity Movie. We didn't get it all watched, but will finish it tomorrow. Think I'll try to sleep in a bit.
Sales Leads
While running a business we sometimes find that it is quite time consuming to research and locate certain companies and or people. Now with Martin Worldwide they have a new ResponseCom™. ResponseCom™ is a gathering of U.S. Response and U.S. Consumer databases. With Sales Leads mailing list database it can offer correct prospects with a very active and impulsive purchasing history. They have great variety and at the same time over 100 demographic and psycho graphic selections. This company is based out of Westlake Village, Ca. and is a leader in the direct marketing industry. With their upstanding reputation you will be sure to be pleased. Find your new business opportunities and increase your profit.
Rolling Over
Jenna said that Kaelyn has been rolling over by herself. That is quite a job for a baby of just 18 days old. Jenna said that her baby book showed that she was about 4 months old before she rolled over. Kaelyn seems too little to be rolling over. I had forgotten how little ones act I guess. What will be next, somersaults?
Monday, November 19, 2007
Bath Time
Today Emry had a bath. He seemed to really enjoy it. He was kicking his little legs in the water and didn't even cry. That is pretty good for being less than a week old. He is such a sweetie. He hasn't been out very much yet due to his age but soon he will meet more and more people. There are so many of Josh and Di's friends that are eager to meet Emry. They have heard all about him but are wanting to actually see him. They will love him.
Today you find that most people have computers in their homes. Businesses also are run by computers these days. It seems that computers are everywhere to be found. With that comes the concern for security of the information that we input on those computers daily. Now with ESET software you can have a multi layered protective system. Different types of security software protect different types of threats. Now you can have a one-protects-all type of security. Today we find this to be very important with all of the internet use. With this product line and the ease of self-service, you can feel secure and backed by an excellent customer support team. Browse this site today.
Pictures Galore
We have taken a lot of pictures of our new grand kids. Some people take just enough to fill a small album but I like to take as many as I can. I already have four small brag books filled and plan on filling many more. I just don't think you can have enough pictures of grand kids. I know I will continue to take more as they grow. I have always been one that takes pictures of my kids and that will never change.
Night At The Movies
What movie do we want to watch? That is a big question that Josh asked us tonight. He has hundreds of them on DVD and I am sure he has seen them all. There are several that sound very good. Some we have seen already and some we haven't. I am not sure if I am in the mood for a romance movie or suspenseful one. I think Josh should decide.
For those of you that are into investments, there is a great website that can help build your purchasing power. Monex Deposit Company can assist you in the purchase of gold and other precious metals. It is all on line and there is immediate personal delivery right to your door step. Monex has been in the investment business for over 30 years and is a precious metals investment leader across the United States. Whether it's to buy coins or other types of metals, this company can help you. For many years gold has been known and associated with a person's wealth and financial stability. It is a great investment. click in and browse their site.
Garbage Day
Every Tues. is garbage pick up day in our neighborhood. We don't have nearly as much trash as we used to. In our town we have to buy trash bags from the store and then we can put out as many as we want on garbage day. Lately we only have one bag compared to three or four in the past.
Sometimes we don't take the time to eat breakfast. I know that it is a good meal to have but there are days when we skip it and wait for lunch. I enjoy having cereal or toast and Bill likes oatmeal or fruit. We always have juice in the house too and we both prefer grape over orange. I think we will try to better at making sure we eat a good breakfast.
Hair School
Have you been interested in attending a hair school? If you think it might be of interest, you may want to check into the Regency Beauty Institute. It was founded over 50 years ago in Minneapolis, Minnesota. It is one of the quickest expanding beauty schools in the nation. With two schools in the state of Minnesota, it also has 30 campuses within nine different states. They are continuing to grow and expand. They have a unique approach to cosmetology. Their campuses appear to be like some of the higher end salons and offer a superior education for it's students, while at the same time is a great benefit to the community and public. Check into Regency for your cosmetology education.
Gas Prices
The price of gas at the pump has really been climbing lately. It is kind of a bummer to only get around ten gallons for thirty dollars. That seems ridiculous and I really would like to know if there is a good reason for the increase. I think it is mainly political. Hopefully the prices will go down again soon. I know I am not the only one that feels this way.
Wall Fountains
If you have wanted to make a room more unique you might consider looking into howWall Fountains would look in your home or office. At you will find many different styles of fountains to choose from. They have a fiberglass base and you can get them with a real sandstone finish. They require no special plumbing and they plug into a regular outlet. With the holidays just around the corner this is a great time to check our what has to offer. Your fiberglass wall fountain is delivered by UPS and is shipped for free. You will be impressed with the appearance and price of these great looking fountains. Check them out today.
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This is a paid post.
Thumb Sucking
Some babies like to suck their thumb and some don't. I think that it helps the parents somewhat if a baby will suck a thumb but then you have to break the child from it later. When a baby cries very hard and is hungry it can be a big help if the little one will suck his/her thumb. I don't know if thumb sucking is any better than pacifier use. Everyone has their own idea. I guess it is up to the individual parent.Tonight Emry was sure enjoying his thumb.
Sunday, November 18, 2007
Baby Product
We have two new grand babies in our family and with that comes all kinds of concerns as far as what baby product out there is safe and the best to use for our babies. Now there is an awesome website, The Knot Inc. that has set up a site, that will help with this very problem. It is for real parents with real concerns. Parents have supplied reviews of all kinds of diverse baby services. It covers information on local baby stores, gear and other services. With over 32,000 listings and 120,000 reviews you are sure to find assistance in what you are looking for. It will cover the latest baby products, services and activities across the nation. With the ease of the internet the first-time parent can now have their questions answered.
It seems like we have seen more and more people on motorcycles this past summer. I think they are dangerous and have never liked them. I know that there are many that enjoy to ride but I asked Bill to promise that he would never buy one. Fortunately, he said he agreed with me.
Trip Of A Lifetime
Where would you choose to go if you had the opportunity? I have thought about that and I am not sure where I would want to go. There are so many places that would be terrific to see. I know people that have been all around the world and some of those places sound better than others. I think a cruise would be fun, especially during the winter months.
Weight Loss Surgery
There is a great site where you can read up on the latest weight-loss solution that is out there today. For the person that is health conscious and wanting to get into better shape, this just may be the way. Journey Lite offers a weight loss surgery that can support what you are needing. These facilities have highly trained and educated surgeons and health care teams. The Lap-Band surgery is performed with an adjustable gastric banding. It is placed on the upper portion of the stomach causing a smaller area for food to travel through. This gives a feeling of quicker satisfaction and fulfillment, leading to the weight loss. It is a fairly easy and less invasive type of surgery, thus making it a less risky route to consider. Check out their site. You'll be glad you did.
Wednesday, November 14, 2007
Car Wash
This morning Bill took the pickup to the car wash. The truck hadn't been washed for quite a long time. It was so dusty from sitting in the driveway and really needed a bath. It looks for much better now. I don't think I would have wanted to drive it without having it cleaned first. I should say that I wouldn't want to ride in it because I have never actually driven it. Bill gives me a hard time because of that. He thinks I should drive it and see how much I like it. Maybe I will some day. Maybe not.
Online Coupon Site
With the holidays just around the corner what a better time to start making some purchases in advance. Have you considered what to buy and where to buy? I encourage you to check out a website that has unbelievable Coupon Codes that give you great deals. There are hundreds of merchants to choose from and the site is updated daily. Their site is so user friendly and full of awesome discounts. I enjoy shopping at Kohls stores and it is wonderful to have such great coupons to save on my purchases. My husband buys from Eastbay quite often and can save a lot of money by using the coupons offered. My kids love to shop at OldNavy and can save on what they buy when they have online coupons.
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This is a paid post.
Monday, November 12, 2007
Car Detailing
There is a guy that Bill used to work with that has a car detailing business. He has increased his fee from $50 to $125. In large cities they apparently get several times that. He does a very good job and likes what he does. Some people hardly recognize their vehicle when he gets done with the detailing. He just does this work on the side right now but has talked about taking it on full time.
Options Trading
Are you into Stock options trading? Now with PowerOptions you can find the cutting edge technology to increase your money making stock trading abilities. PowerOptions has the patented SmartSearchXL® not available anywhere else. It assists you in finding, comparing and analyzing Stock Option Trading. They have a complete set of educational materials. With the ease and control to filter, sort and analyze you will be on your way to making money. The support is excellent and they are offering a 14-day free trial. This site brings it all together for you. Check it out for yourself. You can't go wrong.
Through out my childhood I enjoyed watch Peanuts. They are so cute. Well, Jenna and I got talking about searching to see if I could find some of the classics. She did end up finding 6 different Holiday Peanuts. I think our grandkids will enjoy them along with Grampa and Grammy.
Junk Mail
We get so much junk mail! I get tired of getting it but I am not sure how to keep it from coming. From magazines to political stuff we get it all. I am sure most people get the same mailings in their boxes. Companies waste so much money sending all of that junk mail to people. We get loads of junk email too. I don't really know how people get emails and I realize that you can block some mail, but it is annoying to get junk.
Executive Placement
Is your firm or business looking for an executive placement? Or maybe they are in need of a new analyst or associate. What ever it may be, from middle to upper executive positions, A.E. Feldman Associates, Inc. can help fill the opening. This company has been working in the recruiting industry since 1967. They carry a high quality of standards when it comes to service and commitment. They have built a firm and honest relationship with many top clients, matching reputable candidates with leading clients to benefit both sides. The Feldman recruiters are knowledgeable and skilled in their fields of expertise, which helps them to better match the perfect candidate for a particular position. Browse this site and ease the search for your next employee.
Another Weekend Past
It is hard to imagine that another weekend is over. They go by so quickly, don't they? We had a busy time because we stayed at Jenna and Scott's house and helped with our new grand baby. It was so much fun. It is easy to forget how little a newborn is. I think it all came back to us pretty fast. Jake really enjoyed holding Kaelyn. I was impressed.
Sunday, November 11, 2007
Temperature Change
In the area of the state that we live in the temperature has changed quite a lot. Today was very warm and I know a guy that planned on golfing. For almost the middle of November this is pretty awesome weather. I hope that this kind of weather continues for a long time.
Wedding Planning
I know from experience what it is like to plan weddings. My two oldest children got married eight days apart and there was a lot to get ready for. Now there are websites that can sure help out in that department. The has been assisting brides and grooms with that special Wedding Planning since 1997. This site has brought together many of the areas that need to be addressed when it comes to a wedding. They have free interactive planning tools, inspiration photos, local vendor lists, expert advice and more. With their online registry system you can now be on your way to an awesome classy wedding. It is made easy and less stressful when you can find so much of what you may be needing, all in one place. Browse their site and ease your stress.
Friday, November 9, 2007

Zoe our bichon, has had a rough week. She is used to being number one. Now with the new grand baby, she is coming second and she knows it. She loves to get all of the attention and now that is just not possible. She can't figure out what this little baby is that is making all of these squeaky noises. It will be nice when she can get down on the floor with her and play. Zoe's still special to all of us.
Models, Singers, Actors, Dancers & Comedians
Attention all Models, Singers, Actors, Dancers and Comedians. Are you looking to be noticed? Have you found just the right Agent to work for you? Well, now there is a website that may help jump-start your career. It is Talent Rock. They have over 100 different Agents waiting to meet you at their gotta-be-there industry event. Through this awesome event, Andrew Caldwell signed and began his acting/comedic career. He is known for parts in several TV sitcoms, films such as Fleetwood and Transformers and also works teen improv troupe that performs at ACME Comedy Theater in Hollywood. What a great beginning they have given him. Don't miss this industry event!
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This is a paid post.
Bill and I don't watch a lot of TV, but we do have a few favorites we try to catch each week. Tuesdays we enjoy watching House. The first season we really liked it and then last year we weren't sure we would even continue to watch it at all. This season, so far, we are back into watching. We'll see if they can keep our interest. House is not a very nice man and sometimes they carry it way to far.
I have always loved jewelry. If you take me by a jewelry store, I think I have to stop in and browse. Well, now it has been made even easier for me to admire some beautiful pieces. I would enjoy a new watch for Christmas and now we can shop from the comfort of our own home. Online at you can find the latest in watches. With many brands , styles and prices, I'm sure we can find something I would like. Not only do they carry watches, but many other items. If it's engagement rings you're looking for or maybe a necklace for that special occasion, check out J.R. Dunn Jewelers.
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This is a paid post.
WOW! I'm staying at my daughter's. She just had her first baby this past week. Kaelyn is so sweet. So last night there we were sitting down after supper when Scott noticed it was snowing. It was a beautiful light flowing snow. If snow can look beautiful. :) It softly fell to the ground. It didn't stick, I think the ground is still to warm. Not quite ready for that white stuff yet. I guess we don't get to choose do we?
Thursday, November 8, 2007
Payday Loans
Sometimes a person finds it difficult to make ends meet from check to check. Those unwanted bills pour in and you have to get them paid as soon as possible. Now there is On this website they offer short term loan options. A person can compare prices on these Payday Loans and see what fits for their personal financial needs. With No Fax Payday Loans and Faxless Payday Loans they can assist just about anyone with a quick cash advance. The funds can be electronically deposited into your checking account and you're able to pay it back on a date agreed upon.Check into this site to meet your financial needs.
Excited Pooch
Zoe, our dog seems very excited to be around the new baby. She has wanted to get right up on our laps and check the little one out. I don't think she would try to hurt the baby but she gets quite worked up trying to be close. Zoe smells and tries to give Kaelyn kisses. Even though Zoe is a small dog, although heavier than she should be, we don't want her getting all worked up and accidentally stepping on the baby. As Kaelyn gets older I expect that she and Zoe will be good friends.
Many people take a great amount of time trying to search out the best price of a new car. They may drive hundreds of miles to find the right car at the right price. Wouldn't it be nice if it was easier to get car price quotes, loan and insurance information? Now it is, with Search the kind of car you want on their site and get up to two quotes fast. It is also free. Car dealers want to make as much money as they can by selling you a new car. With CarsBlvd you won't have to pay full price for that new car. I am interested in getting a Honda Car Quote and I already know how much the dealers want for the car I am looking at. Saving money is important and why pay more than you need to when buying a new car? Check out and save.
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This is a paid post.
Wednesday, November 7, 2007
Setting The Clocks
Apparently someone has a lot of pull. I mean, someone must have made the decision to delay setting our clocks back an hour from last weekend to this last one. Who can make that call anyway? Did anyone call you and ask if it was ok to postpone the clock set back? I am sure you know that I am just kidding and I really don't mind the change but it is funny when I think that someone must have made that 'big' decision. With all of that said, I hope you didn't forget to set your clocks back one hour this past weekend.
Tooth Aches, OUCH!
I have had so many issues with my teeth through the years. With having a lot of dental work done as a child it has only caused bigger problems as an adult. With the increase of lost fillings and broken teeth has also brought about some root canal procedures. I can remember once long ago, having some friends over for supper. I had worked all day and planned the meal and evening. While sitting down to eat I suddenly crunched down and my tooth gave way. It was instant pain. I knew that something had broken and could feel that my tooth was rough. The pain eased up, but I couldn't really do anything about the tooth until the next day when I could call a dentist. I wish I knew then what I do now. There is a product, Dentemp OS, it is an excellent quick fix temporary dental repair. This product is an easy to use dental first aid product. With no mixing or mess it can be applied with the vial. Not only is it strong but can provide a fast, temporary relief of discomfort and pain. With being FDA approved a person can feel better about its use. It not only can be used as a temporary fill but, also as a temporary cement for a loose crown.

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This is a paid post.
Computer Glitch
Today at work we had a computer glitch. The problem had to do with the computer not having some update that dealt with day light savings time. I guess since the clocks were originally supposed to be set back this past weekend our computer somehow messed up. We had a technician update the machine and it is now working fine.
Sony 46inch LCD
When shopping for your next sony 46inch LCD TV you may want to check out the Krillion website. This company can help you in researching the best prices and even assist you in finding the location nearest you, where you may go and purchase the TV. TV prices seem to go up in cost and then with time they begin to drop down again. How is a person to know what and when to buy? When shopping for certain items today, most of us tend to check out the product and how much it might be, on line first. With so many different types of TVs and costs, it has become necessary for the manufacturers to compete by putting their products and sale prices on a site that would show the different retailers and manufacturers and what they have to offer. It is also advantageous for the consumer to have a one stop shop informational internet site. Check it out. It makes life easier.
Tuesday, November 6, 2007
Today was the day of elections in our town. I didn't get the chance to vote because I was out of town. Bill went to vote before he went to work. There were only a few things that you could vote for, including mayor, parks and recreation board and city council. Our town is like many others in that most people don't get out and vote. I know there are times when people just can't get to their polling places. I was one of those people today. I do think that,if possible, everyone should vote.
Busy Day
Bill got home from work today and told me that his day was very busy. He said he hardly had time to have lunch. There are days like that I know. I am helping my daughter with her newborn daughter and it was a busy day for us too. I really don't mind because I am doing what I want to do and the day goes by very quickly when you are busy.
Capella University
Have you ever thought that you would like to start going to college or maybe finish that degree that you have already started? Many people have jobs that don't allow them to attend school, which can be a problem. capella university may be just what you need. Capella University is an online university that offers bachelors and graduate programs. Bachelor degrees include public safety, business and information technology. Graduate programs available include education, psychology and human services to name a few. There are approximately 20,000 students from all 50 states and about as many countries. The university was established in 1993 and is based out of Minneapolis, MN.
Monday, November 5, 2007
Home Alone
I am sure you have heard of the Home Alone movies. Well, since I am helping my daughter and son in-law with their newborn baby(my grand baby), Bill is home alone. I even have Zoe with me. I am sure Bill will do fine. He is a good cook and will have plenty to do around the house. It isn't too often that we are not together but it won't be for long.
Payday Loan Quotes
Have you ever found yourself a bit short on cash knowing that payday is several days away? Many people have had times when they need some money to hold them until their next paycheck. I recently heard of and found that they can help people with short term loans of up to $1500. These loans or cash advances can be applied for online or by phone. With Payday loans you can get quick quotes of how much a loan will cost with the free loan calculator right on their website. It couldn't be easier. Check them out today.
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This is a paid post.
Sunday, November 4, 2007
Oil Change
I think that we are due to get our oil changed in our vehicles. The service place used to put a sticker in the window showing when the oil was changed. I wish they would start doing that again so it reminds me to have it done. Actually, it is Bill's job to do that. I hope that he remembers when it was last serviced. He used to change the oil himself but it is a hassle then to find a place to haul the used oil. It is easier to have someone else do the work.
Math Tutors
Raising three children I found that they are each quite different. Their interests very and the same holds true as far as academically. When they started in school we could see that each child excelled in different subjects. Math was an area that was more of a struggle for one of them. With Score Learning centers there is help available. It can make a significant difference when assisted by Math Tutors. They aid children from 4 to 14 years of age. It is a great learning tool. For the success of your child's academic future, check into these learning centers.
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This is a paid post.
Life Is Good
Our daughter had a baby the other night which means we are now grandparents. Everything is going well and the baby comes home today from the hospital. I will be staying with them for a week to help cook, clean and be a grammy. I am so looking forward to it. Our son and daughter in-law are going to have a baby boy any day and then we get to go and stay with them too. They are going to have a boy. Life is good.
Innovative Tutor
Every child is different and learns at their own pace. We all want our children to succeed in school and life. I have heard wonderful stories of how kids were helped in a variety of subjects by having the most Innovative Tutor available. Kids face a great amount of pressure to succeed in school and deal with a lot of competition among themselves. Whether a child needs to improve in subjects to catch up or if they desire to get further ahead even though they are doing well, SCORE learning centers may be just what they are looking for. Find out today about helping your child have fun as they learn.
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