Sunday, September 28, 2008
Riding Mower
We have a neighbor that recently bought a riding mower. It is a John Deere mower and it seems to do a great job. Our neighbor,Jack, seems to enjoy mowing more now that he rides. He has always kept up his yard work very nicely but now it is easier for him. The only problem is that now I am waiting for Bill to want one too. Too late, he already does....
Friday, September 26, 2008

Well, it sounds like John McCain will attend the presidential debate tonight. At one point he had said that he wouldn't attend if the bailout deal was not in place. So McCain will face off against Obama in Mississippi. After the debate he will quickly fly back to Washington to continue working on the financial crisis. Is this a smart move on his part? Probably 50-50 on that.
Mandel Ngan / AFP - Getty Images
Thursday, September 25, 2008
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Parking Issues
We are having some parking issues in our neighborhood. There are several blocks that are being repaved and in the meantime everyone needs to park at least a block away. Thankfully the project will be done soon. The crew has tried not to inconvenience us any more than needed and I must say they have done a great job. Other streets are also under repair in town and all work should be done within a week or so. Sometimes I have taken for granted all of this kind of work, but not any more. The streets look wonderful.
Micro SD
We have come a long way since we had a huge 35mm camera. For several years I wouldn't even consider a digital camera. I felt that I couldn't trust them. As long as I had film in my hand I felt safe in that I would receive the pictures I was wanting. Then we finally did it! We purchased our first digital camera. I carried both the digital and 35mm cameras for a while. After getting use to the digital I found it was the only way to go! We then began buying bigger and better. Purchasing micro sd memory cards and all the accessories. They are so worth owning.
Monday, September 22, 2008
Short Hair

Bill cuts his own hair. I am not sure how he does it but he does. He uses a Flowbee which is a system which attaches to the vacuum and cuts the hair,then sucks up the hair. For some reason he cut his hair much shorter this time. He claims that it is always the same, but I know better. I guess at least it will grow out fast.
Moving Trucks
Over the past few years we have helped move our children many times. In the spring and fall we would move them to college and home again. Now that they have graduated and are out on their own, we have found ourselves helping move them into homes. Our daughter is now contemplating another move. I feel that moving trucks may be the answer. They have collected so much stuff over the last while that it will take more then just our pick up this time around. We'll have to see what the future brings.
Friday, September 19, 2008
Well, we are finally done in the kitchen for now. The flooring guy finished the tile today, so we only have to place the electrical covers. It is really coming together. It left us with a mess, but we have it all cleaned up now. I'm very please how things seem to blend. It's a nice look for a change. Isn't it something how we grow tired of what we look at everyday and want something new and different? I'm glad we have done all that we did.
Orovo Detox
With so many sicknesses and diseases out there today, people are looking for healthy alternatives. I have heard some speak of detoxing their systems. There are several ways that are being tried. I have heard of the product called orovo detox that is suppose to help in that area. It contains 31 detoxifying ingredients. It is all natural and will leave you feeling energized and could even eliminate some of your body fat. That would be great! It sounds like an awesome way to rid our bodies of unwanted toxins.
Thursday, September 18, 2008
Grilling Out
Bill was grilling chicken the other night and midway through the process we found out that we were out of LP gas. Fortunately most gas stations now have LP in tanks that you can just pay a set price and swap your tank for theirs. I was shocked at how much LP had gone up in price. I guess it is because we don’t buy it very often. Bill paid about $25 for a full tank. The good thing is that now we won’t need more for many months and supper was delicious! ;)
Miami Heat Tickets
My son loves to go to about any kind of sports event. It might be a NFL, MLB, NBA or NHL game. His wife is so good about it all. There are moments when he is trying to find tickets for a special game and has become quite frustrated. It's not always easy to find good tickets and if he finally does, they may not be great seats. Well, now he can go to Premium Seats USA to solve his problem. They have first-class tickets and they are just waiting for you to call. Whether it's Miami Heat tickets, a Vegas show or some other type of entertainment, check it out with Premium Seats USA.
Last night we had stew for supper. The recipe is actually called ‘Welcome Home Stew’ and it is very good. It is a meal that once you get it put together it can be cooked in a crock pot most of the day. You can add some extra spices but that is up to a person’s taste. It is also very good left over. It's what I had for lunch today. Brought to you by "Easy Quick Meals". :)
New Pavement
Soon our neighborhood will have new pavement. Four or more streets will be resurfaced in the next few weeks. It will be tough to park in the driveway for a few days due to the work being done but we will make it work. It will be a great improvement to what we have now. There is an area to our west that is in really in bad shape. It will be well worth any inconvenience to us.
VoIP phone systems
For many years now we have had the same phone system at work. In reading about the VoIP phone systems I wonder if maybe we should look into them. These systems are by Xpander. It sounds like they are about the easiest to run and can be very flexible at the same time. They offer features like plug & play VoIP phones that work with broadband and web control panels. You are able to manage voicemail, click to dial users and Nimbus VoIP phones give complete control to the user. These systems are made to accommodate both the small and large businesses. Click in and browse this website. I'm going to look further into this great system.
Any time someone comes to the door our dog, Zoe, barks and runs around to see what is going on. She just wants attention from the person at the door and when she meets them she calms down. Bill takes her on walks around the block and she loves the attention from the kids in the neighborhood. And they love her too. They get right down to her face to kiss her and talk to her. That freaks me out some. She has never bitten anyone but I wouldn’t want that to happen either. I don't think you can trust a dog 100%. They can surprise you.
Old Movies
We have several old movies that are on VHS and would like to convert them to DVD. I remember when VHS was the latest thing and VCRs were very expensive. Now you can find them under $20. I think our first one may have been a couple hundred dollars. Now we have several of them scattered around the house. How things change.
Online Degree
My oldest son is working on his online degree. While working, being a husband and father, he is able to continue his studies. With Capella University you know longer have to wonder if you will ever complete that degree. Whether it is a masters, PhD or BA, they may be able to assist you in fulfilling your life's dream. Capella University is based out of Minneapolis Minnesota and is a fully accredited online school. You can go on their website and see testimonials for yourself. Each one is about 15 minutes long. Check out all they have to offer and make your dreams a reality.
This blog post is based on information provided by Blogitive. For more information, please visit
This blog post is based on information provided by Blogitive. For more information, please visit
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Back Splash
Tomorrow we are getting a new back splash in our kitchen. It will really add a nice touch. We had a border on the wall before so this will be a huge difference. It sounds like it might be a two day job but we will see. It is a job we could have done ourselves but we chose to have a professional do the work. Sometimes it is worth paying someone else to do the work.
Nightly Occurance
Each night at the same time our dog, Zoe, wants to go outside and then have a treat. It almost never fails. I guess she has us trained since we fall for it nightly. She is a good dog but it can be a pain to let her out several times each night. The other night she kind of surprised us because she didn't go out at the normal time and then wanted out at 2am. Bill wasn't very pleased with that.
Presidential Dollars
Life is busy and people are often looking for ways to simplify it. I think that may are turning to online shopping to save time and money. I know that I have started to do a lot more of it myself. With the Cable Shopping Network (CSN) is has been made easier then ever. You can readily find a variety of unique collectibles and have fun in the process. With this wonderful staff you will feel right at home. The customer service is awesome. CSN is highly successful in the collectable industry. Now from your very own home you can find a fantastic selection of treasurers like presidential dollars and more. Don't miss out, click in their website and see for yourself.
Tree Trimming
Today when I arrived home, I noticed a lot of city trucks were out in the street. It appeared that they were trimming some of the trees down the street that had been hanging over the road. It also looked like they were painting and marking the streets for future work ahead. They are suppose to be repaving our roads sometime soon. Maybe it will be this week?
Baby Bunnies
We recently had a few baby bunnies in our front yard. They were burrowed in a hole right in front of the house. We don't have a garden so we really don't mind having the little animals around. They are very cute little things. Our dog Zoe was watching them from the front door. I don't think she knew what they were. I am sure that soon they will find their way out of the hole. Until then we will be watching them.
Gold Coins
For all of you precious metal collectors and investors, you may want to research this website. The Monaco Rare Coin company is a part of the Monex family. These companies are highly trusted precious metal investors. In the business for over 40 years, their experience speaks for itself. You will find hard assets such as gold coins, rare coins, silver and platinum bullion and more. With their variety of unique resources, they can assist you in meeting your financial goals. Monaco has also set up a way to buy and sell your rare coins and precious metals. Browse their website today.
Gas Prices
I know most people are complaining about the current gas prices. I have to admit that I am one of them. It is sad to think that $3.59 is cheap for a gallon of gas. Our local station is now selling E85 but we don't own a car that can use it. There are many vehicles that can use it, which is great. It is close to $1.00 less than the ethanol. My hope is that prices will start to drop.
It was surprisingly warm today. I am not complaining at all but lately it has been much cooler. The grass has been growing quite fast too. I am more of a fan of nice weather and really don't want to start thinking of that four letter word sn..! You know what I mean right? It is good there are some people that enjoy winter but I would rather put up with the heat.
Foot Pain Relief
Several years ago my family went on vacation to Florida. As some of you know, in Orlando there is a lot to do. The amusement parks required much walking. In the process I received several nasty blisters on my feet. I wish I would have known about ENGO patches at that time. ENGO patches are great for foot pain relief. They are known to help prevent blisters and relieve blister pain. They are easy to use and the price is right. I will sure keep them in mind for future use. These great patches have been awarded the National Health & Wellness Club (NHWC) Seal of
Approval. They're pretty amazing.
Approval. They're pretty amazing.
As I grow older I find that more people I know are passing away. I guess that comes with age somewhat. My aunts and uncles are all getting to be quite elderly. This past week my mom lost the last member of the generation above her. Her aunt Alice Mae passed away. Mom was actually the flower girl in her wedding many years ago. She said that it was an awesome funeral. It was a celebration of her life and where she is now, with Jesus. She loved the Lord and looked forward to being with Him one day. It is sure nice to be at peace about eternity. I hope all of you are as well.
Monday, September 15, 2008
Recently we had a bit of trouble with our Sirius radio. I guess it wasn't actually the radio, it was the power supply for the car. The plug that goes in to the lighter opening broke apart and needs to be replaced. Bill called Sirius and, after much time on hold, I think he spoke with someone that can help. Apparently they don't just replace the plug. It sounds as though they may send a whole new vehicle kit. This would include the antenna, mounting kit and the power supply. I miss having the radio in my car. We can still play it at home but I want to use it in the car also.
Data Integration Software
In today’s highly technical world a person must stay on the cutting edge for progress and success. Syncsort Incorporated markets data integration software for management and data protection. This company serves over 50 different countries and has been in business for over 40 years. The software aids in speeding data warehouse processing, improving database loading, protecting back up and data in the distribution environment. They are highly noted for their technical merit and first-class service. They are assisting customers in finding the potential in their data processing systems. Syncsort has been named as one of the leading data warehouse 100 vendors for the past seven years. Join this great company in improving your business.
Thursday, September 11, 2008
Heat wave
WOW! We have recently been having very mild temperatures. You could even say chilly. Then by surprise, today it actually warmed up and even felt somewhat humid again. By the time I arrived home, our house was feeling stuffy and Zoe our dog was panting. I quickly closed up the house and turned on the air conditioning for awhile. It's feeling better now.
SD Card
Technology has sure come a long way. I remember quite a few years ago, we took a trip to Florida with our family. While at Disney World we asked a gentleman if he would take a picture of our family all together. He then asked if we would do the same for him and his family. Sure, we were happy to do that. I remember him having this fancy little digital camera. At the time I didn't know very much about digital cameras, but have since purchased several different types. My husband is always online shopping for an SD card and other accessories for our cameras and computers. He loves all of that technical stuff.
I am not sure why, but we seem to have a TV in almost every room of our home. It must be convenience, because it sure is handy. We recently purchased a LCD 47" flat screen tv. It is beautiful. We have really been enjoying it. With our surround sound and the big screen, you almost feel like you're at the theater. All we need is the popcorn.
Needed Rain
It sounds like we will be getting some much needed rain in the next couple days. It sprinkled a bit today but the chance for rain increases tonight and in to tomorrow. Our yard is actually quite dry and the fields could use rain too. Bill mowed the grass on Friday and it looks great. All of our tree trimming is done for the year. It was more than just trimming I guess. We cut down an entire tree last week. It was our only apple tree but we needed space for a new garage so she had to go I guess.
A New Resource For Doctors
Over the years I've had my share of bad headaches. Most recently, I probably had the worst headache I've ever had. Whether it be an Acute Headache or a migraine headache...if you've ever experienced them, you know how bad they can be!! Mine have had me feeling so sick that I've actually considered going to the emergency room at times! Have you ever been to that point before? It's awful.
I do have a prescription that I take when they get really bad, however like all medications, there's only so much I can take in a day. With the last headache I really wish that I had known if there was anything else I could take with it just wasn't helping to cease the pain. Now I know that I could have probably called my Dr who most likely uses the free online clinical solution from Epocrates.
Never heard of it before? Well, it's a great online resource for healthcare professionals who need to find information on different conditions, drug interactions and more!! It comforts me to know that there is a technology like this for doctors so that they are prescribing safely and diagnosing correctly. It's a growing trend, as over 500,000 healthcare professionals are using it on the web already!! I can see why. What better way to get the facts easily and quickly. This is great for both the clinicians and the patients.
If you'd like to learn more about them and the technology they've created, check out Epocrates, Inc website today!
I do have a prescription that I take when they get really bad, however like all medications, there's only so much I can take in a day. With the last headache I really wish that I had known if there was anything else I could take with it just wasn't helping to cease the pain. Now I know that I could have probably called my Dr who most likely uses the free online clinical solution from Epocrates.
Never heard of it before? Well, it's a great online resource for healthcare professionals who need to find information on different conditions, drug interactions and more!! It comforts me to know that there is a technology like this for doctors so that they are prescribing safely and diagnosing correctly. It's a growing trend, as over 500,000 healthcare professionals are using it on the web already!! I can see why. What better way to get the facts easily and quickly. This is great for both the clinicians and the patients.
If you'd like to learn more about them and the technology they've created, check out Epocrates, Inc website today!
This announcement was paid for by Epocrates.
Friday, September 5, 2008
Dark Knight
Who doesn't enjoy a little relaxation at some point. Well, my husband and I were ready for some time away. We decided we would take off a few days and travel. It got us away from work, the phone and other responsibilities for a short time. We shopped and tried out some of the newer resturants in the area. We also took in the new Batman movie, Dark Knight. We weren't sure at first if we wanted to see it. It was action filled and pretty entertaining. We didn't mind it at all.
As I get older I am finding that it is becoming more and more difficult to see without my glasses. I never use to have to even wear glasses before. My husband has been in need of glasses for many years and has recently been discussing possible Lasik corrective surgery. They use a laser to change the curvature of the cornea. There are many who are opting to have this surgery done. I think my husband may be joining them soon.
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