Wednesday, December 21, 2011
Mexican Blanket
On a cruise a year ago, we found ourselves shopping. I usually have to do some of that. :) There was a beautiful mexican blanket laying there. The work that goes into those is quite something. The handy work of some of the products are amazing. I was once given a beautiful blanket from a gal when she got home from traveling. It matched my decor perfectly.
Saturday, December 17, 2011
Friday, December 16, 2011
Guest post of the week by Deangelo Spencer
I convinced my grandparents to call DIRECTV Florida and upgrade their television package before we visited them for the holidays. They moved to Florida from New York for the winters about ten years ago. They have a great condo near Orlando in Boca Raton. The kids like to visit because they get to go to Disney World and Universal Studios. This year we even went to Sea World. There are plenty of things to do during the day, but the down time at night is rough on the kids when they aren’t worn out from a theme park. They tend to get really bored really fast. When my grandparents didn’t have more than a couple of channels the kids were getting really antsy and to be honest we got really antsy too. There are only so many books that you can read and so many Starbucks runs that you can make. I love my grandparents and I loved to visit them before, but I really like to visit them now that we can all get together and watch television in the evenings and not have to go to bed at eight o ‘clock.
I convinced my grandparents to call DIRECTV Florida and upgrade their television package before we visited them for the holidays. They moved to Florida from New York for the winters about ten years ago. They have a great condo near Orlando in Boca Raton. The kids like to visit because they get to go to Disney World and Universal Studios. This year we even went to Sea World. There are plenty of things to do during the day, but the down time at night is rough on the kids when they aren’t worn out from a theme park. They tend to get really bored really fast. When my grandparents didn’t have more than a couple of channels the kids were getting really antsy and to be honest we got really antsy too. There are only so many books that you can read and so many Starbucks runs that you can make. I love my grandparents and I loved to visit them before, but I really like to visit them now that we can all get together and watch television in the evenings and not have to go to bed at eight o ‘clock.
Monday, December 12, 2011
Equipment Lease
With the economy in the shape it has been in, it's been more difficult for those who are wanting to start up a new business. With assistance it has been made easier now. A person can get a loan and even check into an equipment lease. When you have things you are needing to get started, it can make such a difference.
Christmas Tree
I love having a Christmas tree in the house but my husband could do without. At least he could do without a big tree. He would be more in favor of one of those small trees that sit in front of a window. Several years ago we bought a new tree which already had the lights on it. It is so much easier to set up. He puts up with my love for a tree and I am glad he does.
Tuesday, November 29, 2011
Media Marketing
Boy, times have sure changed. With technology a person can find information on just about anything in minutes. With media marketing growing, Triangle Direct is accessible. Social networking shares information on many products. WOW, how this type of technology is progressing! What a neat and insightful way to gain information.
Monday, November 28, 2011
Tonight my husband surprised me and made banana nut muffins. I have a very good and easy recipe. He is a good cook and he enjoys it too. They turned out perfectly. We usually add chocolate chips which really adds to the muffins. We generally make 18 muffins so we have some to put in the freezer. They are a favorite in our house.
Great christmas gifts
With a new grand baby on the way, we decided to do some of our Christmas shopping early. There are great christmas gifts out there. Lots to chose from. It didn't seem to be such a challenge this year. In fact we seemed to over spend because we had so many ideas for each family member. I love this time of year!
Tuesday, November 22, 2011

We got a surprise on Sunday. Our new little baby grandson decided to make his appearance about 10 days early. It is really great though because they will be home for Thanksgiving. His little sister and brother can hardly wait. We just love being grandparents. This makes 5 for us in 4 years. Isn't that great?
early arrival,
new baby,
Thursday, November 17, 2011
Motorhome repair
For many years we have lived in a town where motorhomes are built. Certain times of the year there are hundreds of them that return for a week of fun and activities. Some are dealing with motorhome repair and other issues. It seems that most of them have a good time. They are a fun bunch of people.
Name Plates
Yea know, I think it's very nice when I enter a professional office and I see that people are wearing name plates. It's great to be able to address them by name. Then if I'm wondering who I spoke to about a certain subject, I will see their name. A person can purchase a variety of name tags these days.

Recently my husband and I attended a 50th celebration for his cousins. How wonderful to see! There is just not enough of that these days. There is so much divorce that I think in a few years, you won't see many 50th celebrations if you see any at all. My parents celebrated 60 years last year and they went together when my Mom was in school for two years before that. I think pretty soon 25 years may become a new record.
50th anniversary,
Sunday, October 30, 2011
Trick or Treat
Saturday, October 29, 2011
POS Hardware
Hasn't technology come a long ways?! I can remember when we didn't have a computer at all. Now with POS Hardware you can find what you need and get the software you deserve. I can do so much more now with the technology that is available to me.
Tuesday, October 18, 2011
Thanks for the article from Jermaine Haynes
Our family went on our first camping trip last weekend. My husband was inspired to take us camping after he had been watching the Outdoor channel we have with directstar TV. Our trip was probably not what he had pictured when he was watching the Outdoor channel. I was so worried about the kids being warm enough, so I bought all new sleeping bags and heaters. Plus we had to buy tents and all new camping equipment since we had never been camping before. I made sure we were going to be at a campsite that had bathrooms with showers for me and my daughters. My husband laughed when I asked him about this, but I told him that I was going on this trip merely to make memories with our kids, not to rough it and have bragging rights. We actually only ended up staying one night instead of two because on the second night it started raining and I did not want everybody to get soaked and sick during the school year. I’m pretty sure it will be a while before we go camping as a family again. Maybe my husband will just take our son on a boys trip.
"brought to you by our friends..."
Our family went on our first camping trip last weekend. My husband was inspired to take us camping after he had been watching the Outdoor channel we have with directstar TV. Our trip was probably not what he had pictured when he was watching the Outdoor channel. I was so worried about the kids being warm enough, so I bought all new sleeping bags and heaters. Plus we had to buy tents and all new camping equipment since we had never been camping before. I made sure we were going to be at a campsite that had bathrooms with showers for me and my daughters. My husband laughed when I asked him about this, but I told him that I was going on this trip merely to make memories with our kids, not to rough it and have bragging rights. We actually only ended up staying one night instead of two because on the second night it started raining and I did not want everybody to get soaked and sick during the school year. I’m pretty sure it will be a while before we go camping as a family again. Maybe my husband will just take our son on a boys trip.
"brought to you by our friends..."
Shopping for Christmas!
Well, my husband and I spent the past two days shopping for Christmas! It feels good to have a great start on things. It can be a bit over-whelming at times. Keeping track of lists and money. How much have we spent for this person and how many gifts will they have to open? Does it feel right or should we get something different? There is a lot to it all.
Wednesday, October 12, 2011
Fast cupcake delivery
With birthdays around the corner, I'm starting to think about gift ideas and everyone's favorite sweets! Sometimes a fast cupcake delivery is in order. When I run out of time, I begin to think this way. I'm glad there are always options!
Saturday, October 8, 2011
Home Sweet Home
It's starting to feel like home! Hard to believe we've lived here for two weeks already. So happy all of the paper work is complete and we can see the end drawing near. We have most boxes unpacked for our main floor living and will soon be starting on the garage and basement. My husband has been working hard hanging curtain rods, blinds, TV's, hooking up the techy stuff etc.... I am a person that can tend to work work work. I don't always know when to stop, but sure glad we're getting a lot done.
Saturday, October 1, 2011
Monday, September 26, 2011
Vintage tub
Years ago when I was first married, we lived in an apartment in Des Moines. There we found a vintage tub. You talk about comfort! It was amazing! I could have fallen a sleep in there. I think I did a few times. I'm more of a shower gal, but loved that tub!
Thursday, September 15, 2011
Inexpensive lingerie
It doesn't have to be expensive to be new and fun! There is inexpensive lingerie out there. It great to have something new and different! I'm always shopping for a bargain. It's sure a lot easier now with a click of the mouse. You no longer have to leave home to find what you're looking for.
Saturday, September 10, 2011
promo codes
I like most enjoy a great deal. When shopping I like to find promo codes. It's wonderful to save money and yet have an awesome buy. It's easier then ever to find a coupon code or coupon of some sort to bring savings your way. It's the only way to shop.
Wednesday, August 24, 2011
Going back to college
I was speaking with my son the other day about college. He works in higher education and gets to see the trends that we hear about in the news. When the economy is poor, there are more people going back to school. That is exactly what he is seeing! People want to set themselves apart from the competition, so they go back to get more schooling. If people want to move up in business, then they go back and finish their 4 year business degree. If they want System Support & Documentation Jobs, then they go back for schooling in that area. So many people have 2 year specialized degrees and have been working for many years. Then all of a sudden they are let go or told they need more education. So sad to see so many companies just pushing their employees onto the street in favor of some young kid who hasn't proven anything but has a 4 year degree.
Sunday, August 21, 2011
Beautiful but temporary sidewalk chalk art
Guest post written by Olivia Parks
My kids are really quite creative and I love checking out all the stuff that they do. Just one of the many things that they do is draw all over our driveway and sidewalks with sidewalk chalk. They're still really young and really let their imaginations just go wild.
I like to take pictures of some of the more complicated stuff that they draw with sidewalk chalk. A few nights ago I was actually emailing my sister a few of the pictures because she loves stuff like that and while I was doing that I saw the website I looked at it a little bit and after that I decided to sign up for a new internet package through it.
I'm working right now on putting together a picture album of just some of the best pictures that they've made. I think it will be something neat for them to look at some years on down the road. Also, it's much easier to show off a photo album instead of a sidewalk.
"I have been paid for this guest post."
My kids are really quite creative and I love checking out all the stuff that they do. Just one of the many things that they do is draw all over our driveway and sidewalks with sidewalk chalk. They're still really young and really let their imaginations just go wild.
I like to take pictures of some of the more complicated stuff that they draw with sidewalk chalk. A few nights ago I was actually emailing my sister a few of the pictures because she loves stuff like that and while I was doing that I saw the website I looked at it a little bit and after that I decided to sign up for a new internet package through it.
I'm working right now on putting together a picture album of just some of the best pictures that they've made. I think it will be something neat for them to look at some years on down the road. Also, it's much easier to show off a photo album instead of a sidewalk.
"I have been paid for this guest post."
Monday, August 15, 2011
Crazy Weather
We have had some crazy weather this past few months. It has been very hot and we haven't had much rain at all. The grass has turned quite brown already. They are talking rain later this week though. Leaves and seeds have fallen much earlier this year too. Thankfully we haven't had hot weather like in some of the southern states. There was a guy that called in to the radio station and said where he lives they had already seen over thirty days with temperatures over 100 degrees. That would not be fun.
Friday, August 12, 2011
Working in the medical field for years I have seen many changes. There is always something newer and better on the market. When looking for a medical device such as a audiometer or some other type of screening device, it's nice to know that it can be a click away. The internet is quick and easy. So glad we have it.
Friday, July 29, 2011
I can hear my phone. You know a text or email is coming in by the sounds it's making. I don't know if ching is a word or not, but that's how it sounds. Just think, not so long ago, we didn't even have cell phones and now we seem to think we can't be without them. They are awfully handy and kind of a security item.
Actos lawsuit
I can see another possible lawsuit waiting to happen. This time it is a Actos lawsuit. What do I mean? Well, there was recently information found that connects Actos, which is a medicine that is taken orally for diabetes, to some very serious health issues. If you are wondering what other names it is sold under, it could be ActoplusMet, Competact or Duetact. The chemical name is Pioglitazone.
It is ironic that a drug made to help control a serious health issue would then be the cause for other illnesses that are just as bad. The list is very serious and includes such things as heart attacks, bladder cancer, and even heart failure. Hopefully diabetes patients begin seeing this information so they can weigh whether it is better to go with a different medicine or take the chance of one of these major side effects.
"I was paid for this post. My opinion was not swayed in any way."
It is ironic that a drug made to help control a serious health issue would then be the cause for other illnesses that are just as bad. The list is very serious and includes such things as heart attacks, bladder cancer, and even heart failure. Hopefully diabetes patients begin seeing this information so they can weigh whether it is better to go with a different medicine or take the chance of one of these major side effects.
"I was paid for this post. My opinion was not swayed in any way."

YIPPEE!!!! My daughter and her husband have been trying to sell their home for about two years now. In a weeks time, the right buyer came along and bought their home. They also bought a new home in a new community. God it good and sure works out all of the details in His perfect timing! Thank you Lord!
Ice Cream
I've never been much for ice cream. It's not that I dislike it, but usually can choose a different type of treat. The Schwan's man began stopping here. I ordered some of their ice cream. WOW! It is amazing. Not good! Now I'm eating to much of that. Yikes!
Multaq lawsuit
Another day, another medicine found to be dangerous for our bodies. With all the drugs available, it is no wonder we find more and more that have equally dangerous side effects as the illnesses they are trying to cure. On January 4, 2011 the Food & Drug Administration came out and informed healthcare professionals about another drug. This time it was Multaq. In their alert, they let the professionals know that Multaq has been associated with rare cases of liver damage. Definitely a Multaq lawsuit waiting to happen. The symptoms of liver damage include a list that includes slowed heartbeat, rapid weight gain, difficulty breathing, rashes, shortness of breath, weakness, stomach pain and redness.
"I was paid for this post. My opinion was not swayed in any way."
"I was paid for this post. My opinion was not swayed in any way."
New Home
My brother and his wife just moved into a brand new house. It is very nice and will suit them fine. The three stall garage would obviously be my husband's favorite feature. I told him that you don't live in a garage. They have most of the unpacking done and hopefully they can relax and enjoy the new house soon.
Wednesday, July 20, 2011
Sunday, July 10, 2011
The Dallas Mavericks have had a great year. Our son Josh loves their team. He and his family lived in Arlington,Texas for four years and enjoyed following the Mavs team. He loved them even before he lived in Texas and he loves them even though he lives in Iowa again. Any chance he gets he likes to watch the Mavs. He has met some of the team, has autographs and some photos too. He is a real Mavs fan.
Table Rock Lake homes at
As I grow older it seems I've noticed more and more people thinking about retirement and what they might do and where they may live. Some choose to look into table rock lake homes at for that get-away. Some think about traveling south for a few months and then heading back up north for the summers. I'm not sure what we will do yet.
Cell Signal Boosters
It weird to think how not so many years ago we didn't even own a cell phone let alone each have our own. Reception has also come a long way with cell signal boosters and more towers rising. I can't imagine not having mine now. I suppose it's all what you get use too having.
Life insurance info for seniors.
Life brings changes. With it brings a variety of seasons. As we grow older we watch our parents do the same. We care about them and want them taken care of in the best possible way. In looking you can find life insurance info for seniors. It may be an option for some. I feel blessed to have my parents with me.
Friday, July 8, 2011
New iPad
Recently my husband got a new iPad. It is the iPad 2 I guess. I am not sure how it is different from the iPad 1 but he sure likes it. He has downloaded music and a movie on it so far. He has found that the iTunes cards are very handy rather than keeping a credit card on an internet site. I am sure a newer version will come out soon and make the others not as popular. I think my husband will enjoy his for years.
Thursday, June 23, 2011
Buy Gold Bullion
Our economy is wavering at best. Many people today are looking for ways to increase their financial portfolios. With the United States Gold Bureau you can now buy gold bullion, silver and other precious metals. They have made it easy and convenient with quick and safe deliver to the bank or depository of your choosing. Silver and gold investments come in coin or ingot form. Ingots are a pure bullion cast in a convenient size and shape. It may be the best time to make a purchase of this kind. The demand for silver far exceeds production. Check into what you may want to buy.
"I have been paid for this post. My opinion has not been swayed in any way."
"I have been paid for this post. My opinion has not been swayed in any way."
Wednesday, June 22, 2011
My husband got a new iPad 2 recently. It is a pretty cool device. He says it is a big iPod. I think it has more stuff than an iPod but I really haven't had the chance to play with it much. He has downloaded some songs and a movie. It takes pictures but they aren't the greatest quality. I know there will probably be an updated iPad coming out soon but this one works good enough for us.
Sunday, June 19, 2011
Young Entrepreneur
Guest written by our friend Mason Abbott
Even though I’m only 19, it only made sense for me to open my own business. I’ve always been really self motivated and knew I wanted to own my own design firm someday, so what better day than today! I knew exactly what to do to get it off the ground, so I stopped by the Small Business Administration and talked to them about setting up an LLC, and also about how to handle my taxes correctly. After that, I did a and found a good URL for my business site, then designed the whole thing myself, obviously, since I own the firm! I had to make it really good, though, especially since my clients will surely judge the quality of my work based on the site I own! Once that was done I contacted a local marketer about helping me get the word out and I must say, he did a great job. I’ve already got two clients lined up and I think I definitely made the right decision for myself and my future!
"I have been paid for this guest post."
Even though I’m only 19, it only made sense for me to open my own business. I’ve always been really self motivated and knew I wanted to own my own design firm someday, so what better day than today! I knew exactly what to do to get it off the ground, so I stopped by the Small Business Administration and talked to them about setting up an LLC, and also about how to handle my taxes correctly. After that, I did a and found a good URL for my business site, then designed the whole thing myself, obviously, since I own the firm! I had to make it really good, though, especially since my clients will surely judge the quality of my work based on the site I own! Once that was done I contacted a local marketer about helping me get the word out and I must say, he did a great job. I’ve already got two clients lined up and I think I definitely made the right decision for myself and my future!
"I have been paid for this guest post."
Wednesday, June 15, 2011
A year or so ago we bought a netbook computer and we love it. It is so handy to take with us wherever we go. It is small enough to stash in a small case. We have taken it on vacation and wouldn't want to go back to a big laptop again, at least not for hauling around with us. It wasn't very expensive either which made it even better.
Plush Easter Bunnies
It hasn't been that long since Easter passed us by once again. There are so many cute things out there on the market today. You can find plush Easter bunnies, candies of all kinds, even baskets of fruit. I think fruit is a neat idea. You always see candy. My grandkids love fruit!
xbox wireless adapter
Our oldest son has always been a big fan of the Xbox player. Both our boys enjoy the technical games. You can get an xbox wireless adapter. Wireless can be so nice. There are always many new games available. You never know what they will come up with next. There is always a big calling for them
Sunday, June 12, 2011
Take Me Back
Rechargeable Cigarette
Over the years I watched as my dad and brother have both smoked. My dad use to try cigarettes, cigars and even a pipe once in a while. With time things have changed. Now they have created the Blu Cigs. They are a rechargeable cigarette. They come with a 1 year warranty and a 30 day money back guarantee. That's always nice, in case you are not happy with a product. Along with that, Blu Cig will also ship for free.
These cigarettes now come in flavors. The flavors are 100 % American ingredients. They also have a blu pack charger to charge on the go. Many say they look, feel and taste just like a real cigarette. If you are a smoker, you may want to check these out for yourself.
"I have been paid for this post. My opinion has not been swayed in any way."
These cigarettes now come in flavors. The flavors are 100 % American ingredients. They also have a blu pack charger to charge on the go. Many say they look, feel and taste just like a real cigarette. If you are a smoker, you may want to check these out for yourself.
"I have been paid for this post. My opinion has not been swayed in any way."
Sunday Afternoon
It's a beautiful Sunday afternoon! It's great to get up and get ready for church. Then to go and serve and worship the Lord. We then came home and made homemade tacos! Yum! We love the homemade taco shells! Then off to bed for a nap. Always feels great! I'm thinking I should get some cleaning done now, maybe.
Friday, June 10, 2011
Springfield beauty school
This is a busy time of year for those newly graduated students. They are searching and preparing for their futures. If you are someone that is interested in the field of Cosmetology, then you may be interested in the Regency Beauty Institute. Regency is quickly growing and expanding. It now stretches across 19 states with eighty campuses. Whether you are looking to begin at the Springfield beauty school or another location, this could be the one for you. They take pride in their high quality, unique education. You can contact them for more information.
This blog post was based on information provided by Blogitive. For more information, please visit or contact Regency Beauty Institute – 1415 East Battlefield, Springfield, MO 65804
This blog post was based on information provided by Blogitive. For more information, please visit or contact Regency Beauty Institute – 1415 East Battlefield, Springfield, MO 65804
Bird Feeder
We have a bird feeder in our back yard and it is so fun to see what kinds of birds show up to eat. I don't know what they all are but enjoy watching them. The squirrels are fun too. We have a separate feeder for the squirrels. I know some people don't like the messes that the animals leave but that can be cleaned up.
Good Cooking
My husband and I enjoy cooking. We take turns making meals. Actually whoever is home from work first usually gets the meal going. I think that works well in our family. My husband can normally follow directions for any meal. I have to say that he is a terrific cook. He also bakes cookies and bars. I don't mind either.
Wednesday, June 8, 2011
Topamax lawsuit
There's a drug out there called Topamax. For years I have suffered with migraines. When doctoring for this condition, I was given Topamax and told that it would help prevent migraines. I still seemed to have them and also began to lose my hair. They soon took me off of this medication and now I'm reading about the Topamax lawsuit. They are saying that it may be causing birth defects such as cleft palate and cleft lip. The law firm of O’Hanlon, McCollom & Demerath can give you more information about this drug. You can contact them at: O’Hanlon, McCollom & Demerath – Personal Injury Lawyers – 808 West Avenue, Austin, TX. 78701 – 512-494-9949.
"I have been paid for this post. My opinion has not been swayed in any way."
"I have been paid for this post. My opinion has not been swayed in any way."
Tuesday, June 7, 2011
We have already done a lot of grilling this season. Steak, chicken and burgers. They have tasted great. Before this year we hadn't grilled asparagus. Wow, it is awesome. If you haven't tried making asparagus on the grill, you should. Yum. I don't think I will ever make asparagus any other way again.
Friday, June 3, 2011
Homes For Sale
There are several homes for sale in our neighborhood. We have lived here for close to 28 years and have seen many families come and go. We have looked at other homes over the years but have always come home thinking, wow we have it nice. That doesn't mean we won't still look at times. It is fun to look and see what is available from time to time.
Topamax Birth Defects Lawyer
Since I was in my thirties I have struggled with migraines. I may have even had them earlier then that but was unaware. I began to doctor for them. They started me on the drug Topamax. To my surprise I was reading about the concerns with the use of this drug. A Topamax Birth Defects Lawyer can better explain the concerns of this medication. They are finding that it can result in serious birth defects such as cleft palate and cleft lip. With this you will find problems with eating and communicating. There are also risks of ear infections. How scary to read of these serious side effects.
"I have been paid for this post. My opinion has not been swayed in any way."
"I have been paid for this post. My opinion has not been swayed in any way."
Blackberry Phones
Have you ever used a Blackberry phone? My husband got one recently and so far he likes it. I don't know much about them but they do have a lot of features. I like the looks of them even though the keys are small. If my husband continues to like his phone I may consider one too.
Father's Day
Why is it that winter can drag on and on, but once summer is here it just flies by. May has past and Father's Day is around the corner. What a special time to honor our dad's. My kids are planning on taking my husband to a NASCAR race. That should be a lot of fun! Hoping for great weather for them.
Friday, May 27, 2011
Life insurance quotes
Over the past few years we've been seeing the economy wavering at best. Many have seeked out ways to save money and help their budgets. My husband and I looked into life insurance quotes and other types of insurance quotes to see if we could save money. We ended up cutting over $500 out of our yearly budget. What a great savings!
Saturday, May 21, 2011
My Mom
OxyElite Pro
With age most of us find it easy to gain weight and much more difficult to shed it. I know that is what I have been experiencing for the past few years. There are so many things on the market these days. You can find awesome workout programs and diet pills such as OxyElite Pro and others. I've started with trying to cut out all of the snacking and incorporating some exercise. It seems to be working slowly.
Friday, May 20, 2011
It seems like everyone has an iPad. My husband sure enjoys his. He says it is just a big iPod. He has several songs on it, some games and one movie so far. I think they are a fun device but I figure I can use his if needed rather than buying my own. That seems funny because my husband and I share most everything else so I guess in reality, I do have an iPad.
Austin personal injury attorney
If you are a migraine sufferer or have dealt with epileptic seizures you have most likely heard of the drug, Topamax. They are now concerned that the dangerous side effects may be birth defects such as cleft lip or cleft palate. This occurs when the lip or palate fails to completely fuse together. Then causing a small notched lip or in some cases an open groove extending on the roof of the mouth.
With an Austin personal injury attorney from O’Hanlon, McCollom & Demerath, you can seek assistance on your liability claim. They are a highly trained and experienced staff, ready to help you. You can contact them at:
O’Hanlon, McCollom & Demerath – Personal Injury Lawyers – 808 West Avenue, Austin, TX. 78701 – 512-494-9949
"I have been paid for this post. My opinion has not been swayed in any way."
With an Austin personal injury attorney from O’Hanlon, McCollom & Demerath, you can seek assistance on your liability claim. They are a highly trained and experienced staff, ready to help you. You can contact them at:
O’Hanlon, McCollom & Demerath – Personal Injury Lawyers – 808 West Avenue, Austin, TX. 78701 – 512-494-9949
"I have been paid for this post. My opinion has not been swayed in any way."
Thursday, May 19, 2011
Green Grass
Wow, the grass has turned green and the mowing has begun. I love this time of year. Birds singing and little animals running around are wonderful things. I know people with gardens would rather not have the rabbits and squirrels in their yard but I don't mind. We enjoy sitting out on the deck and watching nature.
Friday, May 13, 2011
Whiskey Creek
Tonight we had supper at Whiskey Creek. I love their baby back ribs. Yum. They always have good sized servings too, so I have left overs. I also love the tea they serve. It is probably the best raspberry iced tea I have ever had. My husband isn't quite the fan of the place that I am but he is a good sport and takes me there when I want to go.
Fayetteville beauty school
This time of year we see many young adults graduating from High School and ready to begin the path towards their careers. If you know or are one of these adults who are considering a career in the field of cosmetology, you may want to check out Fayetteville beauty school. They are one of over 80 campuses that have began through the Regency Beauty Institute of Minneapolis Minnesota. They continue expanding with their top notch education programs. Their unique approach to education and up scale salon experience is all included in these wonderful beauty schools. Training is provided for students and the communities benefit from discounted salon services done under expert experienced faculty supervision. Check out all these schools have to offer.
This blog post was based on information provided by Blogitive. For more information, please visit or contact Regency Beauty Institute – 4107 Steele Boulevard – Fayetteville, AR 72703
This blog post was based on information provided by Blogitive. For more information, please visit or contact Regency Beauty Institute – 4107 Steele Boulevard – Fayetteville, AR 72703
Homemade Pizza
Over the years I have had pizza so many times that it isn't that appealing to me. It can be a quick meal but it just isn't one of my favorites. I do have to admit that my husband makes great homemade pizza. Once in while I will surprise him and ask him to make it for supper. He is always ready to make it. He changes his recipe a little from time to time which is ok with me.
Saturday, April 30, 2011
Diet Pills
Over the years diet pills have become quite popular! Everywhere I turn, it seems I'm hearing about how great they are. And, although I've never tried them...I do believe that they probably do work for certain people. I'm not sure if they always work for everyone, but it does help to have so many choices. For instance, did you know they have an african mango diet pill? I think it sounds really neat. I'm sure it makes it easier for people to find the right one for them.
Outdoor Updates
Over the years we've been doing a lot to the inside and the outside of our home. It's fun to update with paint colors, light fixtures, etc. I never thought I'd enjoy the outdoor part as much as I have...but we've enjoyed planting new flowers and plants as well as adding the decor with outdoor lighting and other things. It's amazing how just a little change can make such a difference. It really doesn't take a lot of money to slowly transform a home. I'm loving it!
Our Granddaughter

With the school year coming to an end, Awana must end too. This week they had an awards banquet and she was so excited to receive her 'diploma'. I wish we could have been there to celebrate with her!
Thursday, April 21, 2011
Farmers insurance review
With the economy wavering over the past few years, many have searched for ways to save money. We found that checking into a farmers insurance review and other insurance companies helped our budget. We have saved over $500 a year and would do it again. It's worth a look.
5th wheel insurance
We have friends that enjoy traveling with a 5th wheel. I often wonder about costs such as 5th wheel insurance. Would it be easy to care for and would it have the space we would want for vacationing. It would definitely be a change from moteling. We just may have to check into it.
Wednesday, April 20, 2011
Food Talk
There are times at work when we start talking about food. When that happens it is easy to get hungry. It seems like the food talk comes up close to lunch time. It may be a recipe mentioned or a suggestion of where to eat. It might be in reference to where someone had gone out to eat. It doesn't really matter. Even now as I write, I am ready for a yummy meal. It is actually a night when my husband is preparing supper and it is smelling good.
Topamax lawsuit
Over the years I have dealt with migraines. I have doctored and tried different drugs to see if they would help me. Topamax was one of them. It is suppose to try to help prevent migraines. It is also used to treat epileptic patients, to assist in preventing seizures.
Now they are wondering if one of the side effects of this drug could be a certain kind of birth defect. Topamax can result in cleft lip or cleft palate. This defect causes the lip or palate to fail to completely fuse together causing a small notched lip or can also leave an open groove from the roof of the mouth to the nose.
The law firm of O’Hanlon, McCollom & Demerath can assist you with a Topamax lawsuit. They and their experienced staff are knowledgeable in this area. They understand what you are going through and the dangerous side effects of Topamax. They are well equipped to handle complex product liability claims. You can contact them at, O’Hanlon, McCollom & Demerath – Personal Injury Lawyers – 808 West Avenue, Austin, TX. 78701 – 512-494-9949.
"I have been paid for this post. My opinion has not been swayed in any way."
Now they are wondering if one of the side effects of this drug could be a certain kind of birth defect. Topamax can result in cleft lip or cleft palate. This defect causes the lip or palate to fail to completely fuse together causing a small notched lip or can also leave an open groove from the roof of the mouth to the nose.
The law firm of O’Hanlon, McCollom & Demerath can assist you with a Topamax lawsuit. They and their experienced staff are knowledgeable in this area. They understand what you are going through and the dangerous side effects of Topamax. They are well equipped to handle complex product liability claims. You can contact them at, O’Hanlon, McCollom & Demerath – Personal Injury Lawyers – 808 West Avenue, Austin, TX. 78701 – 512-494-9949.
"I have been paid for this post. My opinion has not been swayed in any way."
Buying On ebay
I have never sold anything on ebay but have bought several items. Some I have wished that I would not have bothered with but most have been good deals. I really like when I can get free shipping. We recently ordered a leather cover for an ipad. It is very nice. Many of the supposed leather covers weren't actually leather, but a simulated leather. You do have to watch and check in to the items to make sure they are what you want. Oh, by the way, we don't have an ipad. I just figured it was a great deal and I do plan on getting one.
Have you noticed that some on social networking sites, such as facebook, have more friends than anyone could really have? I imagine there are some that have hundreds of friends, or thousands. I know on my site it shows a much lower number. Maybe I need more, do you think? Or maybe some people try to accumulate more friends than they need. That isn't really a good way of putting it. I mean to say that some may try to become 'friends' with others just so they have high numbers even though they aren't really friends. Does that make sense?
Topamax lawsuit
I've been hearing about the Topamax lawsuit. I take interest in this because I was once a user of this drug. Topamax can be taken to help prevent migraines. That is why I used it. It is also given for epileptic patients. Now they are thinking that this drug may have caused cases of cleft lip or cleft palate in some births. The defect is the lip or palate failing to completely fuse together causing a groove that extends from the roof of the mouth to the nose in some cases.
O’Hanlon, McCollom & Demerath are a law firm. They and their experienced and highly trained staff can assist you at looking into this possible claim. They handle complex product liability claims. You can reach them at, O’Hanlon, McCollom & Demerath – Personal Injury Lawyers – 808 West Avenue, Austin, TX. 78701 – 512-494-9949.
"I have been paid for this post. My opinion has not been swayed in any way."
O’Hanlon, McCollom & Demerath are a law firm. They and their experienced and highly trained staff can assist you at looking into this possible claim. They handle complex product liability claims. You can reach them at, O’Hanlon, McCollom & Demerath – Personal Injury Lawyers – 808 West Avenue, Austin, TX. 78701 – 512-494-9949.
"I have been paid for this post. My opinion has not been swayed in any way."
Tuesday, April 19, 2011
New Tires
When we bought our SUV it was in need of new tires. We checked around for the best price like most people would do. We got the best deal at our local Ford dealer. I was surprised at that but pleased too. It isn't fun to pay that much for tires but if they are in need it is one of those things that must be done.
The Top Five Ingredients of a Successful Super Bowl Party
Guest post from: Mohamed Simon
There are five ingredients that make up a great Super Bowl party. This year, I'll be incorporating all of them so that we can have the best party any of our friends have seen. Here are my top five essentials to throwing a fantastic Super Bowl Party.
1. A Great Television
It's important to have a great television for people to watch the game on. This year, we'll be watching the game on a big screen with satellite TV from, for the optimal viewing experience.
2. Lots of Snack Food
A Super Bowl party just can't be successful without lots of snacks and great food. We'll be serving all the usual favorites like chips, guacamole an! d wings. We also might make chili for everyone.
3. The Right Mix of People
Many people forget this important element, but you want to make sure you have the right mix of people at a Super Bowl party. We'll be inviting friends and some family members, but leaving out co-workers and neighbors who don't always get along.
4. Games to Play
We like to have games for people to play before the game starts at our party, as this gives people something to do beforehand.
5. Plenty of Space
It's also important to have lots of seating space for the game, so that everyone has room and can sit comfortably.
"I have been paid for this guest post."
There are five ingredients that make up a great Super Bowl party. This year, I'll be incorporating all of them so that we can have the best party any of our friends have seen. Here are my top five essentials to throwing a fantastic Super Bowl Party.
1. A Great Television
It's important to have a great television for people to watch the game on. This year, we'll be watching the game on a big screen with satellite TV from, for the optimal viewing experience.
2. Lots of Snack Food
A Super Bowl party just can't be successful without lots of snacks and great food. We'll be serving all the usual favorites like chips, guacamole an! d wings. We also might make chili for everyone.
3. The Right Mix of People
Many people forget this important element, but you want to make sure you have the right mix of people at a Super Bowl party. We'll be inviting friends and some family members, but leaving out co-workers and neighbors who don't always get along.
4. Games to Play
We like to have games for people to play before the game starts at our party, as this gives people something to do beforehand.
5. Plenty of Space
It's also important to have lots of seating space for the game, so that everyone has room and can sit comfortably.
"I have been paid for this guest post."
Thursday, April 14, 2011
Recently we made tacos for supper. They were so tasty. My husband ate three of them that night and took some to work the next day. They are one of our favorites. We watched the Man vs Food and saw the episode where he ate a huge plate of pancakes. So guess what we had for supper earlier this week? You got it, we had pancakes.
We have friends that looked into colon cleansing products such as thermotox. They actually spent a couple of days at home in order to do this. They felt it helped them physically. It was a cleansing and reviving of their system. I have known others that have done less invasive types of cleansing. There is quite a bit of research one can read about today. So you can be informed before taking on such a thing personally.
Best Testosterone Cream
My nephews are into body building. It's important to them that they take care of their bodies. They watch what they eat and are often found at the gym. They research some of the best testosterone cream and other products on the market. Their goal is to build muscle and strength.
Wednesday, April 13, 2011
Eagle Watching
We have been seeing more eagles this year than in the past. They are so fun to watch. I don't know if there are more all over or just in our area. They are so magnificent. We have gotten many great pictures too. I hope we continue to see these great birds.
Friday, April 1, 2011
Puriteam Water
Times have sure changed. Years ago we didn't find there to be so much concern for our drinking water. Now we find a Puriteam CT-12 countertop water filter in many homes. Bottled water is a fast growing market as well. It can be a money saver to purchase a tap water filter of some sort or even a drinking water filter. The results are most likely the same.
In using a house water filter it can be a great savings on all of the plastics that are being produced and keeping us planet conscious as well. This Puriteam drinking water filter is priced to sell. At the low cost of $99 you can secure your drinking water right at home.
In using a house water filter it can be a great savings on all of the plastics that are being produced and keeping us planet conscious as well. This Puriteam drinking water filter is priced to sell. At the low cost of $99 you can secure your drinking water right at home.

iPod Touch
My husband got an iPod Touch for Christmas. He had the first version but wanted the newest model. The new one has two cameras where the other one had none. He is happy with it so far. They are a pretty cool device. I haven't had much time to mess with it but from what I have seen, I really like it. In fact, I may even get one for myself.
Tech jobs
Since my youngest son was quite little, he has always taken an interest in technology. He began with taking apart anything electrical and trying to figure out how it worked. Then by middle school he was quite the wiz on a computer. Now he is going for his masters in Software Engineering while working as an engineer for a big company. He loves the tech jobs and all that goes with it!
Wednesday, March 23, 2011
We have finally seen some robins in our yard. It is nice to see them because it is a sign of spring. With all the snow we had there wasn't much for birds to eat. Robins don't seem to be as aggressive or dirty as some other birds we see. They are pretty and I don't mind at all if they hang around our yard.
HGH Pills
Over the past few years my husband and I have began taking more vitamins and trying to live a healthier lifestyle. In researching you will find there is a lot of information on hgh pills and other types of health products. I didn't realize how many different types of products were available today. The market is saturated by them. It's nice to know a person can do their research first.
Camacho triple maduro
While growing up my dad loved smoking. He would try rolling his own cigarettes as well as smoking a pipe. He tried camacho triple maduro cigars and others. Back then a person could smoke just about anywhere. We had all kinds of fancy ash trays around our home. Times have changed some, but there are still folks who thoroughly enjoy a good smoke.
Friday, March 11, 2011
For those that bought an iPad last year when they came out, prepare to check out the new iPad 2. I don't know if there are a lot of changes from the older model but many people will no doubt upgrade. I don't think you can ever really keep up with all the new technology, as fun as it is to try. We do the same thing.
What fun a family can have with Wikkistix! At one time I was a stay at home mom looking for a variety of family activity projects. I think these products would have been such great and creative play for my children. Now I could see using them with my grandchildren. They are versatile, colorful and quite engaging. What fun we could have! I also think it is wise to have created something that is reusable, clean and mess free. That is always a plus. Let your imagination run free as you all enjoy your time together. You can find these at . Check it out for yourself.

Thursday, March 10, 2011
On those cold days and nights we really like having our fireplace. It is one of the best things about our home. It is a beautiful piece of furniture and very useful too. We had seen some electric models but we chose to get a gas fireplace. It was the best choice for us. When we built our addition back in 1999 we thought that a fireplace would be a terrific thing to have someday down the road. We have not regretted it at all.
Car accident attorney Austin
Do you know someone who has lived through the experience of a serious accident? One that may have caused bodily injury due to the negligence of another person or persons? Now there is help available. You can look for car accident attorney Austin, Texas where the Law Firm of O’Hanlon, McCollom & Demerath resides. These professionals are experienced and ready to assist you with legal representation. The injury lawyer is there to guide you through this difficult time. O’Hanlon, McCollom & Demerath – Personal Injury Lawyers – 808 West Avenue, Austin, TX. 78701 – 512-494-9949 is where you will find them. They will fight the good fight along side you.
"I have been paid for this post. My opinion has not been swayed in any way."
"I have been paid for this post. My opinion has not been swayed in any way."
Bald Eagles
Saturday, March 5, 2011
Nurses Uniform
For many years my husband and I have both had to wear uniforms to work. It does make it simple in deciding what to wear in the morning. A nurses uniform is sharp and clean. It looks professional as well. Uniforms in law enforcement are a show of authority. There are good reasons for wearing a uniform.
Friday, February 25, 2011
Kids and their naps
Our grand kids are still at the age that they take naps. They sleep well at night but are active enough in the day that a nap is needed. Recently we watched two of them and it was nice that they had such great schedules. They would eat their lunch and off to bed they would go. No fussing. Then we would lay down and nap also.
My husband owns many guns. In his line of work it is a must. I never realized how many parts a gun can have. He likes to look on sites for new and different eotech products and more. I must say, guns are not really my thing. I'm actually kind of afraid of them. But that's probably alright. I don't think I will need to use one for anything. I'm not a hunter either. Some people really enjoy that type of thing.
Healthcare Medical Jobs
With the economy in the shape that it has been in for the past couple of years we have seen the rise in unemployment. We know family and friends that have been on the search for new positions. Whether it's a healthcare medical jobs or some other area of expertise, it can still be a stressful time for the jobless individual as well as their families. I'm thankful that my husband and I haven't had to deal with this.
Friday, February 18, 2011
New iPod
Bill got a new iPod for Christmas and he loves it. It has two cameras and can also take video. It has a few other features than the previous model. It holds a lot of music that we can take with us. It is Bill's but I enjoy it too. To him it is a cool toy. He plays with it every day. I am glad he likes it.
Natural Diuretic
In the fight to lose the bulge many choose a natural diuretic. With water retention comes extra pounds so they find this to be a quick way to shed some unwanted weight. There are other methods to this weight loss process. For each individual it can be different. Be safe and check with your doctor when trying to lose.
Safest Diet Pill
We like many are wanting to lose those unwanted added pounds that found us over the winter months. We ask our selves what is the safest diet pill? We know that we need to cut down on portions and also need to pick up on the exercising. It's not easy, but it is a must to take care of our bodies. They are the only ones we are given.
Home Speakers
We have surround sound speakers in our addition as well as our living room. Over Christmas time our son was telling us about some home speakers he had been looking out and how great they sounded. He has since purchased them and has gotten my husband now thinking about doing the same. I'm not sure that we will, but am glad our son and his family are enjoying theirs.
Golf Season
I personally am not a huge golf fan but my husband is. He even enjoys watching golf on television, which I would have trouble doing. I have to admit that I don't mind playing 9 holes or so if the weather is great and the course isn't busy. What I don't like is poor golf conditions and playing too long. I guess that proves that I am not a real golfer.
Wednesday, February 9, 2011
Computer Monitors
Boy, has technology changed or what? I can remember our first computer. It had a capicity to hold very little. But the weight and size of the computer monitors back then were huge. Now we have this slim lined, lite weight monitor. Such a space saver and so easy to move around. The actual viewing size is now greater also. Progress is a good thing!
Tuesday, February 8, 2011
Somewhere Warm
At this time of year I think it would be great to go somewhere warm. It has been so cold lately and we have too much snow. Just to be out of here for a week or two would be wonderful. The bad thing is that most states are currently having cooler weather. Maybe I would have to travel out of the country, like the Bahamas. Gee, that would be awful. Actually I would love to go there or any other tropical place. For now though I will just put up with the cold of winter.
Is Christmas Worth It?
Guest post written by my buddy Keith Kramer
Bah humbug! I think I'm the Grinch, or maybe I'm Scrooge. Whichever name you choose, so be it. I am grouchy about Christmas and the holidays, I don't want to make a big deal about it all. My wife fusses way too much about which presents to buy for what person. Have we gotten too commercial? Yes!
We spend Christmas Day at my parents' home. They live in the same city we do, but I'm still sure to set my home security alarm from securitychoice before we travel. I am glad that we don't have to drive too far because I am concerned about being on the roads during icy conditions, which can happen where we live.
My parents don't make the big deal about Christmas that my wife does. My parents still think of Christmas as a time when people get together to eat a good meal (or two) and catch up. After all, isn't Christmas about spending time with the people you love? Sure, a few presents are great, but do we have to buy the entire store?
So Christmas isn't my favorite time of year. I love seeing my family and traveling to see my folks, but I like to keep it real. Christmas is about togetherness. Christmas is about seeing the people you love and having a good time without being too commercial!
"I have been paid for this guest post."
Bah humbug! I think I'm the Grinch, or maybe I'm Scrooge. Whichever name you choose, so be it. I am grouchy about Christmas and the holidays, I don't want to make a big deal about it all. My wife fusses way too much about which presents to buy for what person. Have we gotten too commercial? Yes!
We spend Christmas Day at my parents' home. They live in the same city we do, but I'm still sure to set my home security alarm from securitychoice before we travel. I am glad that we don't have to drive too far because I am concerned about being on the roads during icy conditions, which can happen where we live.
My parents don't make the big deal about Christmas that my wife does. My parents still think of Christmas as a time when people get together to eat a good meal (or two) and catch up. After all, isn't Christmas about spending time with the people you love? Sure, a few presents are great, but do we have to buy the entire store?
So Christmas isn't my favorite time of year. I love seeing my family and traveling to see my folks, but I like to keep it real. Christmas is about togetherness. Christmas is about seeing the people you love and having a good time without being too commercial!
"I have been paid for this guest post."
Wednesday, February 2, 2011
Prescription Eyeglasses
I have always had perfect vision. Then my forties hit and my sight began to change. I soon needed prescription eyeglasses. I am thankful that there is a way to see clearly now. I use to struggle to see when out shopping and now can actually read the prices. My husband had to help me to see and now I can on my own. It's great to have glasses.
Thursday, January 27, 2011
Well we are definitely in the middle of winter. It has been so bitter cold. When the snow first comes, it's like people have forgotten how to drive in such conditions. A person often finds themselves having to brake quickly because someone else is driving recklessly. After a few weeks have passed, it seems to improve.
Wednesday, January 26, 2011
January Thaw
I am ready for that January thaw people talk about. You know, the warm temperatures and sunny days that make people feel better before spring arrives. My grand kids like the snow but not me. I am tired of it. I don't like to shovel it either. I am glad that I have four wheel drive at least. It allows me to be more comfortable while driving to and from work.
Monday, January 17, 2011
Setai New York
Last summer my family and I took a trip to New York City. We had such an awesome time. There is so much to see and do there. While on Fifth Avenue we saw beautiful shops, the setai new york and more. What a great location to stay. There is so much activity and a person is within walking distance of many things. I would love to go back and visit again.
Pot Pie
A week or so ago my husband thought he would surprise me and make a pot pie for supper. Unfortunately he didn't follow the directions as he should have. He neglected to mix the sauce and vegetables and boil them together before putting the mixture in the crusts. The veggies were a bit tough. He knew right away what he'd done wrong. He had the recipe right in front of him too. I have to say that I have done the same thing in the past.
Tuesday, January 11, 2011
Have you ever gotten to the point in your weight lose plan that you are willing to try something new? Is your plan working or should you try something else? You may not have heard of phenphedrine but it may be the weight loss solution that you need. It might be worth checking into. You might think you have checked all weight loss programs but unless you have information about phenphedrine you may be missing out on meeting your goals for weight reduction.
Sunny Day
The day after a blizzard and now we have a beautiful sunny day. It is quite cold but at least you can see. Last night was not a good time to be out on the roads in the area. The storm caught some people unaware and many crashes were reported. Some don't use much common sense either. We stayed in the house like we should have.
Do you take vitamins? I was never a big fan of them until the past couple of years. I have talked to family and friends and found out that there are many benefits to taking certain vitamins. Every day I take mine and I think I am better for it. My husband has been taking his also. I feel good about what I am taking and the amount that I take.
Acne Solutions
Many companies have boasted about their acne solutions. We all know someone who has tried several of them with some working better than others. If you or someone you know has had acne problems you know how important it is to find the right treatment and get the situation under control. There are many people still looking for the right treatment.
Friday, January 7, 2011
The weather station isn't saying we are under a blizzard warning but apparently they have not looked outside. It is awful weather right now. We are receiving only light snow but the wind is terrible. I just have to remind myself that in a few months it will be great weather again.
Restaurant Delivery
Do you ever find yourself wondering what to have for supper or even lunch? I know we do at times. We thought seriously tonight about having a restaurant delivery. We live in a small town and our choices are few. Sometimes it feels like we have nothing to chose from because we may have recently had that type of food. I wish we were in a bigger city at times.
Thursday, January 6, 2011
Tired Of Snow
Is anyone else tired of all the snow? I think I am ready for a trip to a warm place. I know that within a few months we will have enjoyable weather right here but I want it sooner than that. If that means a trip, then I am willing to go. There are many nice places that I can think of that would be awesome to visit. We have been on some great trips including cruises and I have loved them all.
Monday, January 3, 2011
Too Much Snow
We have had plenty of snow this winter and it is not over yet. I hope we have a January thaw. Gutters are quite full of ice and driveways are still snow covered in some places. I know I have said it before but it bears repeating that I do not like winter.
Invest in gold coins
Our economy has not been kind to many over the past couple of years. There are those who continue to suffer as they have watched their investment plummet downward. It is not a good feeling especially when one is close to retirement. Now we are beginning to hear more about how great it can be to invest in gold coins and other precious metals. For many centuries gold has been known for it beauty as well as value. It can secure ones purchasing power and perhaps regain one's losses. The United States Gold Bureau can assist in the purchase of silver, gold and other precious metals. Click in and browse their site today.
"I have been paid for his post. My opinion has not been swayed in anyway."
"I have been paid for his post. My opinion has not been swayed in anyway."
Grammy Time!
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